How to quickly cure a runny nose and get rid of swelling of the nose

Rhinitis, colds, snot, acute respiratory infections – autumn is not always as beautiful and picturesque as in Pushkin’s poems. Unfortunately, it doesn’t just come with golden foliage and melancholy fine weather. Her constant companions are a runny nose and cough, fever and sore throat, colds and lack of heating.

We figure out how to get rid of a runny nose and nasal congestion, what simple methods you can use at home on your own, and when you need to see a doctor immediately.

What is a runny nose

Low air temperatures, colds and allergies – all this provokes the formation of mucus, which then drips from the nose. It is in this case that we are talking regarding a runny nose with its typical symptom – rhinorrhea: abundant (often transparent) liquid discharge. If inflammation of the tissues of the nose can also be observed, we are talking regarding rhinitis. In everyday life, a cold is understood as both.

What does it mean to “have a runny nose”? This phenomenon can have various causes: the most common is various infections, both viral and bacterial. In second place is the reaction to various allergens, both seasonal and occurring all year round.

In particular, in autumn there may be reactions to the pollen of late-flowering plants and to mold spores that multiply in fallen leaves.

In addition, rhinitis can develop once morest the background of damage to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity by various chemical, physical and mechanical (for example, building dust) factors, and sometimes rhinitis, in the development of which there are failures in the mechanisms of autonomic regulation of vascular tone and the activity of the mucous glands in the nose, it is called vasomotor rhinitis is common in people with a deviated septum and is not uncommon.

Through the nose, we filter, humidify, heat or cool the air that enters the lungs.

A special mucosal surface or moist tissue covers the area inside the nose and is made up of many mucus-producing glands. When bacteria, allergens, dust or other harmful particles enter the nose, the mucus traps them. Mucus contains antibodies or enzymes that kill unwanted bacteria and viruses.

Cilia, which are found on the mucous membrane, perform an important task: they move the collected harmful particles and the mucus in which they are located through the nose to the back of the throat. These particles are then swallowed and broken down by acid in the stomach. Mucus and particles can also be shed when you cough or sneeze. That is why it is important not to restrain them.

Sneezing and a runny nose are not the most pleasant things, but this is how the body protects itself from allergens and viruses.

Sometimes, in order to avoid embarrassment and not feel embarrassed, people restrain themselves in public places: they cover their noses with their hands or with a handkerchief.

Can you stop sneezing when you have a cold? You should not do this, because you send all the harmful substances collected by the body back. It is better to clean the nose and throat in the restroom, so as not to contribute to the spread of infections.

Better yet, stay at home when sick, and with allergies, there are a large number of pharmacological agents that allow a person to look and feel healthy and not cause the natural fear of infection in others.

Causes of the common cold and its types

A runny nose occurs as a reaction to the cold temperature outside, colds and flu. A runny nose without fever in an adult or child is often a symptom of an allergy.

There is even gustatory rhinitis – a non-standard response of the body to certain foods. It is not associated with food allergies, but is a reaction to certain types of food: salty, spicy, hot, and so on.

A runny nose in a child or adult can be acute or chronicwhen nasal congestion or discharge bothers you regularly.

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Runny nose and other symptoms

Often it is a runny nose that becomes the first symptom in the development of a cold or acute respiratory disease. In this case, the mucus flows down the back of the throat and is swallowed. This is called post-nasal syndrome. So the runny nose and throat both become foci of the development of the disease: pain and cough appear.

Why do runny nose and nasal congestion occur together? Congestion occurs when the tissues lining the nose become swollen and make breathing difficult. Edema occurs due to inflamed blood vessels. So, the temperature and runny nose of an adult or a child will be accompanied by shortness of breath.

A severe runny nose due to a cold or flu can be accompanied by fatigue, sore throat, cough, pressure on the face, and sometimes fever.

A runny nose can also affect the eyes: due to allergies, it is often accompanied not only by sneezing and itching, but also by watery eyes.

How to treat a runny nose

Do not panic: even if you do nothing at all, a runny nose will pass on its own in 7-10 days. The problem is that this time you need to somehow work, sleep and do everyday things. This is difficult to do in a situation where you cannot part with a handkerchief or have trouble breathing.

A few simple ways to help cure a runny nose quickly:

1. Isotonic saline solution. Salt solution can be safely used at any age: it will help with the common cold in adults and babies. A solution of salt with a concentration of 0.9%, it is also called saline solution, helps the mucous membrane to restore its protective properties and cleanse itself. This allows you to reduce the amount of discharge and get rid of edema. Salt sprays for a runny nose, nasal sprays and nasal rinses – look for solutions in a pharmacy in these convenient forms of release.

2. Hot drinks. Drinking plenty of fluids is always a good remedy for a cold. Freshly brewed tea will help thin the mucus, which means that the body will quickly remove all harmful particles. Mint and chamomile will help relieve swelling, reduce congestion.

3. Ointment from the common cold. The ointment does not involve ingestion or contact with the mucous membrane, it is usually used on the wings of the nose. How to cure a runny nose in this way? The warming action helps relieve congestion, headaches and overcome sleep problems. The effect is similar to that given by inhalation with a cold and inhalation of steam.

4. Sprays and drops from the common cold. Such a treatment for the common cold is effective, but it is better to use it no longer than 3-4 days: during important meetings or doing business. The drugs can be habit-forming.

What not to do with rhinitis

Treatment of the common cold, it would seem, is not a difficult task, but even here you can harm yourself. There are several popular options that are best not repeated.

It is a bad idea to try to deal with a cold with antihistamines, and vice versa. It is possible not to notice a mistake during the flowering season or when working regularly in a dusty room (for example, an archive). Even antihistamines can cause allergies (ironic, huh?). Therefore, if you do not understand why you have a runny nose and why it does not go away for a long time, something is going wrong. So, there is a reason to seek professional help.

Another common problem is the abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs.

Such sprays and drops help temporarily reduce mucus secretions, but not only do not relieve swelling, but even increase it. A runny nose without a runny nose, nasal congestion without a runny nose – this is how you can often describe the dependence on drops. A person begins to use them to relieve symptoms, and continues due to the fact that without them the symptoms intensify.

A runny nose without fever and other symptoms of a cold or allergy reminds of itself a few hours following using the spray or drops. It turns out a vicious circle: to relieve symptoms, a new dose of medication is needed. Long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs is addictive, the vessels stop contracting on their own, and the mucosa under their influence can no longer work as before.

When to see a doctor urgently

Your doctor will perform a physical exam to make sure your runny nose is not a symptom of a more serious illness. Hurry up for an appointment if you notice:

  • Prolonged symptoms without improvement. No need to sit back if the runny nose lasts a month. It is worth consulting a doctor in a situation where the symptoms persist for more than 7 days, there is no improvement.
  • Signs of a runny nose are intense. Symptoms are severe or unusual.
  • Unusual discharge. It’s regarding when the discharge from the nose of a small child comes from only one side and has a green color, blood or a fetid odor. The child complains of runny nose and pain. You may have other reasons to believe that a foreign object may have been stuck in your nose.

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