A man is very serious after an attack in a gang

October 18, 2022 – 01:15

A man is in a very serious state of health following being fiercely attacked by a gang in an incident that occurred early Sunday morning at the corner of Alem and Belgrano avenues. Due to the fact there are three adolescents arrested, who were apprehended moments following the aggression by motorists from the Kappa Group. Adults were also identified, who might be arrested in the next few hours.

The case is being investigated by the Juvenile Criminal Prosecutor’s Office and the Homicide Division was summoned to collaborate in the investigation of the serious event.

The young man who is in critical condition was identified as Jonathan Heredia, who along with his brother Emanuel were attacked by nine people, as observed in a recording that was shared on social networks. As a result of this beating, Jonathan Heredia is very serious and will be operated on in the next few hours.

His brother reported that on Sunday around 5 they passed by car with his brother Jonathan, his sister-in-law, his minor son and his partner. They were returning from a family party and stopped at traffic lights when a glass that was thrown from the sidewalk fell on one of the occupants.

Given this situation, they got out of the vehicle to complain regarding what had happened and the fight broke out.

In the complaint, Heredia maintains that her brother was attacked by several people and was left lying unconscious on the asphalt, for which he had to be assisted by SAME personnel and then transferred to the San Juan Bautista Hospital in a delicate state.


According to information provided by the Institutional Relations Division, minutes following the attack, two adolescents were arrested.

The procedure was carried out by personnel from the Special Motorized Operations Corps (COEM-Kappa), who intercepted two adolescents aged 16 and 17, who were made available to the Juvenile Criminal Prosecutor’s Office.

in Mercy

Two people were arrested following they staged a brawl in the town of La Merced, in the Paclín department.

According to police information, the incident occurred on Ejército del Norte street, around 7:40 on Sunday, so personnel from the La Merced police station had to intervene.

Two men surnamed Guerrero and Plaza were arrested for the incident.

The Investigation Prosecutor No. 3 intervened.

On the other hand, in La Tercena, a man was arrested because he attacked his partner.

It happened in the Matadero Viejo neighborhood, where a 25-year-old subject was arrested who had physically assaulted his girlfriend of the same age. The defendant was arrested at the La Carrera sub-police station.



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