What foods are good for dental health? The Consumer Council’s Guide: Milk, Green Leafy Vegetables, Beans, Kiwi Fruits, Carrots and Six Nutrients to Help – 20221017 – HOT PICK

teethTo maintain health, in addition to daily cleaning of the mouth andbrush teethIn addition, you can also start with food.Consumer Councilsaid that adequate daily intake of vitamins and minerals can help promotedental health, especially for children whose teeth are still growing, almonds, kiwi, spinach, dairy, meat, etc. all help. Daily intake of the following six types of nutrients can help promote healthy teeth.

calcium– The main component of teeth, milk and dairy products are an important source of calcium, green leafy vegetables, beans and almonds also contain calcium.

Vitamin D– Helps maintain healthy bones and teeth, available through dairy and grains. Exposure to the sun also produces vitamin D.

Vitamin C——Oral mucosa, gums and periodontal tissues contain collagen, and vitamin C is very important for collagen growth, repair and maintenance. Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables, such as kiwi, orange or kale.

phosphorus– Phosphorus and calcium are the main components that make up teeth, and the best source of phosphorus is protein-rich foods such as meat, poultry, fish and eggs.

Vitamin A– A key nutrient for gum health and enamel, most foods that contain vitamin A are orange, such as sweet potatoes, cantaloupe and carrots.

Vitamin K– Helps strengthen teeth and help bone growth, most green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, broccoli, etc.) are rich in vitamins.

Dental Health Practical Information:

toothpasteAllergic fragrance content|4 toothpastes with high allergy fragrance content are not listed in the ingredient list Colgate and Oral B children’s toothpaste are on the list

toothpaste.pH or fluoride content|30% of children’s toothpastes have too low pH or fluorine content Elmex children’s toothpaste does not meet mainland standards

16 Children’s and Ordinary Toothpastes Overall Five-Star Full Score Sunstar’s Only Full Score Children’s Fluoride Toothpaste[Attached List]

Anti-tartar, anti-sensitivity, whitening toothpaste know more regarding the ingredients The Consumer Council recommends consulting a dentist before use

Pay attention to brushing your teeth. Consumer Council reminds: Do not brush your teeth with excessive force. Soft-bristled toothbrushes cause minor trauma.

How effective are the whitening, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory functions? Choose toothpaste and see the ingredients to clean your teeth and protect “tooth power”

A large toothbrush may not be the best choice for soft bristles

Natural toothpaste may not be good, brushing “squeeze beans” is enough

Know more: Dental floss daily tartar-clearing mouthwash is an auxiliary

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