In Iran, a baby is born without a penis, the doctors make him… a vagina

Incredible but true. In Iran, a baby boy was born without a penis, an extremely rare phenomenon called aphallia.

This is an extremely rare case. While some are born with two penises, he was born without. This phenomenon, medically called aphallia, occurs when the genitals do not develop normally in the uterus during the first months of pregnancy. In total, less than 100 cases have been documented in the medical literature.

The little Iranian boy, whose case was mentioned in the journal Radiology Case Reports and relayed by the Daily mail, would have been born normally, in “good general condition”. His mother, whose identity has also not been released, did not report any problems during her pregnancy.

According to the latest information released regarding the little boy, he has an intact scrotum and two testicles. Special tests carried out months following his birth allowed doctors to determine how his unique urinary system was working. A special dye revealed a fistula, an abnormal connection between her bladder and her rectum.

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A vagina instead

Faced with this type of case, doctors generally suggest that the patient “manufacture” a penis, a process called phalloplasty. They can also make a urethra to reconnect her urinary system. But for some unknown reason, the specialists this time recommended sex reassignment surgery. They want to create a pseudo-vagina for her.

They also recommended to the patient’s family that he undergo estrogen therapy during puberty to suppress changes in his body such as the development of facial hair and the deepening of the voice to conform to his new gender.

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