Luis Alarcón revealed that he has been with cancer for 10 years: “You have to live life as well as come” | TV and Show

The actor also said that his wife died of cancer and that his later partner also had the same disease.

The actor Luis Alarcón He revealed on the Tú a Tú program that he has been living with cancer for more than 10 years.

During the conversation with Martín Cárcamothe renowned artist also said that both his wife Marion as his later partner, Lucysuffered from the same disease.

Luis Alarcón: “I also have cancer”

It was at that moment that Alarcón surprised the animator. “I also have cancer. But I have also handled it the same as life, ” said.

“I have a lymphoma, which began with some manifestations, until for a pain here (in the esophagus) it was discovered that it had a cancer that came from the stomach,” he said.

According to the Mayo Clinic, lymphoma it is “a type of cancer of the lymphatic system, which is part of the body’s network that fights germs.”

The treatment depends directly on the case, the type of lymphoma and its gravity, and this “can understand chemotherapy, immunotherapy medications, radiotherapy, a bone marrow transplant or some combination of these.”

According to Pedro Chamorro’s interpreter, he has undergone all kinds of treatments.

“Today cancer is there, but controlled,” he said, adding that radiotherapy also produced some skin carcinomas, in other words, solid tumors that appear on the skin.

“I’m healing them and they’re taking them out,” he also said.

Luis Alarcón also sincere stating that he does not care if people find out regarding his illness, “it gives me exactly the same thing they know or do not know,” he acknowledged.

Of course, but despite everything he has had to live through, the actor faces it with energy, even when he was diagnosed.

“I had realized that something was wrong with me, (and when they confirmed the diagnosis) I said, ‘well, go ahead,'” he said.

“You have to live life, as well as come, that is my philosophy of life. Every time I find more logical, ”she reflected too.

“I have developed well, I have done well, I have the piano full of awards, what else do you want? I have been able to live well, without disturbing anyone, ”she closed.



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