in the corregimiento Santa Ines de Andes, Antioquia, a building of three floors collapsed due to deterioration and the poor state of the infrastructure.
“This followingnoon collapsed a bahareque house with three levels, in the corregimiento of Santa Inés. This house that It has not had any type of maintenance, due to its natural deterioration, it caused this collapse”, explained the captain Luis Gonzalo Correa, Fire Commander in Andes.
The House collapsed in the followingnoon hours with a person inside. However, miraculously the owner (whose age was not specified) did not suffer any injuries because was trapped between the wallsaccording to the residents of the sector.
“There was only one person in the house and fortunately nothing happened to him, she was only locked up but without any injury”, added the captain.
Risk management staff are coordinating a visit to Assess damage and provide support to the owner of this house.