What do you have to stop eating to have a flat abdomen?

For some people, their weight and body mass represent a constant headache. For this reason, they include exercises and foods in their daily routine that help them achieve a flat and marked abdomen. However, this task requires patience and persistence.

In addition to eating a healthy diet, low in calories and fat, the practice of specific exercises is the key to achieving this goal. It is best to stay away from magic formulas and quick methods to reduce sizes.

Patience helps to be careful with these magic formulas that, on some occasions, cause diseases in the body. The ideal weight for each person depends on several factors, such as height, muscle mass and gender.

It should also be borne in mind that, as the years go by, it seems to be more difficult to lose weight, as the metabolism slows down and losing kilos is more complicated. But, if the excess fat is not removed, a variety of diseases such as diabetes might appear.

Taking into account the above, the specialized portal better with health listed some foods that are best avoided when you want to get a flat stomach, because its composition “increases inflammation and the tendency to accumulate fat”:

1. Industrial sauces: Generally, it is recommended not to consume it if the purpose is to lose weight. “The sauces, for the most part, are fattening due to the ingredients with which they are made. Most are mixtures and compounds of calorie-laden components,” reports the website. Business Insider.

2. Breads and biscuits: experts recommend consume regarding 250 grams a day divided between the different mealsthat is, in portions of regarding 40 or 60 grams, indicates an article in the magazine Hola.

3. Fries: both fatty foods and fried foods cause a lot of difficulty for the body, since they tend to irritate the gastric mucosa, which leads to problems such as acid reflux and gastritis, as indicated Medline PlusUS National Library of Medicine website.

4. Embedded meats: Being highly processed products, which stimulate the production of dopamine, that is, the substance that generates pleasure, they generate a sensation that increases the consumption of food that can considerably increase weight. Also, They contain saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, substances related to being overweight.

5. Sweets and treats: Although some sweets can help produce energy for the body, consuming them in excess creates the risk of diabetes and metabolic problems because they are made with refined sugar that raises blood sugar levels and leads to overweight.

In addition to the above, the specialized portal your health has listed a number of advice with which it is possible to have or achieve a progressively marked abdomen. In this way, it will be kept for a long period of time:

  • Sleep well: Scientists have proven the relationship between sleep deficit and weight gain. This is mainly related to hormonal issues, but also to the fact that if the brain and the body do not have energy, they seek to obtain it from the most caloric foods.
  • Eat slowly and chew food well: in the magazine Scientific Reportsquoted by Europa Pressfound that the way food is chewed might be one of the keys to losing weight effectively, as it helps increase energy expenditure, helping to prevent obesity.
  • Drink enough water: the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine of the United States determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is regarding 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women.
  • Practice physical activity: In addition to helping maintain a stable weight, it has important benefits for the health of the heart, body and mind. The WHO points out that “any body movement produced by skeletal muscles, with the consequent energy consumption”, has positive effects.



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