ANSWER Who is the Artist of Initial R who is pious? Hard Gumay: Exciting Videos Will Be Spread and Cheating

TRIBUNKALTIM.CO – Answered already who the pious initials artist R? Here is the complete forecast Hard Gumay which makes a fuss.

Question who the artist initials R who is pious because of the latest prediction from

Figure Hard Gumay once more made a statement that caused an uproar.

This time, Hard Gumay made a surprising prediction regarding the artist’s initials R.

Also read: Hard Gumay Predicts Popular Actor Initials R Will Divorce from His Singing Wife in 2022

Hard Gumay said the artist’s initials R would get a big case.

“This is the biggest scandal that covers the case of male celebrities,” he said Hard Gumayreported by Lambegosiip, Saturday (15/10/2022).

“Those who are married are proven to be cheating and immoral videos are spread,” he replied.

An Indigo child named Hard Gumay predicts that artist R will have bad luck in 2022. (YouTube Langit Entertainment)

It is said that the man is known to be pious.

“The man is known to be pious, the initials are R,” he explained.

This issue can become horrendous news on social media.

“Introspection, asking God for help so that the disgrace is covered,” he replied as reported by in the article entitled Hard Gumay Says Famous Artist Initials R Will Create an Upheaval, His Exciting Video Spreads and Cheats.

“I’m not a hypocrite, I have a dark period, he asks God to shut me up, if he’s negligent, he’s arrogant, he’s an arrogant musrik fortune teller,” he explained. Hard Gumay Remind More Scandal Predictions of Artist R Accused of Transgender Savings

Today’s public still remembers the prophecy Hard Gumay regarding the figure of the artist R was hit by a big scandal.

The figure of R was referred to as a transvestite’s mistress in the past.

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