Stop Fake Health News!

And that the virus had been patented and created by the Institut Pasteur, and that the word “coronavirus” should not be said because that “ activates the crown chakra » (sic) and that « it was a government stunt » (sic).

And I won’t go into what has been said regarding the vaccine, except the best of all in my opinion (which I heard live, so it’s from experience, alas): ” they put a microchip in the vaccine and they are going to genetically modify us to obey them “. With such reasoning, there is no longer any need for science fiction films… And it’s not just the Covid: ” The papaya? There is no better way to treat Parkinson’s », « measles vaccine causes autism » … Fake Health News has become a phenomenon in its own right, destined to become a subject of public health, if we are not careful. And it is very difficult to distinguish the wheat from the chaff in the mass of scientific pseudonyms, bloggers and licensed Instagrammers, media as new as they are unknown…

You can’t blame the credulous. The pharmaceutical industry, certain health scandals (and an ex-minister of health who had ordered millions of doses of vaccine for an uncertain Mexican virus!), an ever-growing ignorance (or the famous “culture of lack of culture”) , have produced a systematic mistrust. Even some people who have no concern with the scientific field fall for it…

Health revisionism

The problem being that these false or untruths will affect the fragility of patients or their relatives, inevitably leading to a loss of opportunity. And that I refuse you such treatment, vaccine, medicine. We have even seen discontinuation of cancer treatment as opposed to chemical solutions and sometimes dubious recourse to so-called “natural” solutions. I am the first to advocate a reasoned health, more holistic or natural, but in addition! Every time you are told to stop chemotherapy and replace it with cranberry juice, beware! I force the line knowingly… Worse when the basic idea starts from a scientific reality then truncated, diverted, modified, manipulated. Health revisionism, in a way…

As the phenomenon took on a dangerous proportion, Inserm decided to react by publishing a book, prefaced by the sensational and media-savvy Doctor Michel Cymes, and soberly titled: Fake News Health. The book was published by Éditions Cherche-Midi. ” In the book… Inserm and its researchers provide clear and transparent answers to our questions on health, the pandemic, vaccines, but also food, the brain, cancer, ageing… on the most recent studies and which gives the reader all the tools to fight once morest fake news and put an end to received ideas. » See the INSERM website

Don’t be passive

And if you don’t have time to read it, but still don’t want to fall into all the traps, remember to check all the testimonials, especially personal ones; pay attention to message chains; not to rely on pseudo articles by journalists or scientists that cannot be found on the Net (prefer official sites, known and recognized media, with their press approvals); watch out for “miracle products” that replace known chemical solutions; Finally, beware of numerous spelling or grammatical errors, remembering that a serious study is always proofread several times by experts.

Finally, most importantly, be critical and active, i.e. before making an idea your own and spreading it, check that it exists on sites like the WHO (World Health Organization ), Public Health France (national public health agency) or HAS (High Authority for Health). Never distribute health information if it is not verified. If in doubt, why not talk to your doctor regarding it? He will certainly be able to help you see things more clearly. And from knowledge comes wisdom. Our poor world really needs it… And that, alas, is not fake news!

Gracianne Hastoy



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