Inflation bonus: here are the French concerned by this aid!

The inflation bonus, also known as the exceptional back-to-school bonus, is part of the Purchasing Power law that the government has put in place to help the French. Indeed, with rising inflation, the economic situation becomes complex. Thus, the most modest households can find themselves in precarious situations, especially at the end of the year. Because like every end of the year, many money outflows arrive. Whether it is for taxes to be settled, bills, christmas and the new year.

Thus, the government has offers this exceptional bonus so the payment falls today. We’ll explaine everything here.

The inflation premium

For example, when the government introduced the Purchasing Power Bill, it contained many measures. All with the aim of helping the French. But among them, some remain more intended for French people with the most modest incomes. We were thus able to find many upgrades social minima, retirement pensions, allowances, etc. But also new aid such as bonuses and thus the inflation bonus.

The latter is called in different ways, but its purpose remains the same. Give households a check for 100 euros plus 50 euros per dependent child. A way to help the French with the back-to-school period and the end of the year. And precisely, the third installment of this aid is taking place today. But this time around, this installment isn’t aimed at everyone, only retirees over 65. But also on the condition that they are beneficiaries of the solidarity allowance for the elderly, also called Bladeor formerly, minimum old age.


The minimum old age has therefore changed its name, but still retains the same goal. This aid, which is still too little known, remains very useful. Indeed, it allows retirees to ensure a minimum income each month. Moreover, this allowance has also been able to benefit from a revaluation. One way to ensure that the income of retirees with modest means remains somewhat indexed to the cost of living. But in addition to the revaluation, pensioners benefiting from Aspa may also be entitled to the inflation bonus. It is today.

Pensioners and the inflation bonus

Thus, retired people can indeed benefit from the inflation bonus. But this on a few conditions. Already, people must be over 65 years old. But also be beneficiaries of Aspa. Indeed, the inflation bonus is intended for the people who need it the most. And so who have the least income. So the Aspa remains the proof of the lack of income. Indeed, this allowance makes it possible to supplement the retirement pension in order to arrive at a minimum threshold. Thus, the beneficiaries of Aspa were then able to be granted this aid of 100 euros per household. If the payment date were thus to be mid-Octobertoday it may be that help is not yet on the account.

Indeed, even if the inflation bonus was sent today, you may not see it for a few days. Banks often take several days to process a transfer, which may well remain the case here. In addition, as the transfer is made on a Saturday, Sunday and Monday are often days when the banks remain closed. Normally, you will therefore be able to see this inflation premium arrive of 100 euros from this Tuesday on your bank account. Or in the days that follow, it depends on your bank.

Possible beneficiaries

Thus, the inflation bonus is intended for those with modest incomes. And the latter are found in people who benefit from certain social minima. As Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne points out, the goal remains to help “the most modest”. Thus, people entitled to certain social minima such as APL, RSA, AAH or even Aspa can benefit from this inflation bonus. But recipients of the ALF or even the ALS are also covered by this bonus.

This inflation premium or exceptional back-to-school bonus allows nearly 11 million French people to benefit from a boost at the end of the year. But the latter may also concern the youngest such as scholarship holders and ASS recipients. Overseas territories are not forgotten either. In effect, beneficiaries of the RSO and the AER are also entitled to it.

Which fund makes the payment?

On the other hand, it does not remain the same body that pays the inflation bonus. Indeed, it depends on what you are entitled to. If you are recipients of aid from the CAF then it remains the latter which will pay it to you, on the other hand if you are a recipient of Pôle Emploi, it is this organization which will take care of the payment. Thus, for the social minima, it will be the CAF which pays the aid. For job seekers, it is up to Pôle Emploi to take care of it. Quite logically for scholarship students, it remains the Crous, for civil servants, the State. Thus, for retirees, it is their fund that takes care of it, therefore the CNAV. For employees, this goes through employers and for the self-employed, it remains Urssaf.

Payment dates

For now, not everyone has yet been entitled to their inflation bonus. Indeed, all the payment was not made at the same time. It turns out that depending on the organization making the payment, the date changes by one month. Thus for today, it seems the turn of the CNAV which is responsible for making the payment to the beneficiaries of the Aspa. If social minima normally have already seen the inflation bonus of 100 euros paid into their bank accounts by the CAF, the beneficiaries of the activity bonus still have nothing.

Thus, for the inflation bonus, the first transfer took place in the middle of September for scholarship holders and social minima. On September 27, it was the turn of the beneficiaries of the ASS and the bonus monthly flat rate. Today, it remains the turn of Aspa beneficiaries to see the transfer made and in a month, it will be for the beneficiaries of the activity bonus. Thereby, the amount remains 100 euros per household with 50 euros per dependent child.

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