Bad habits affect mental health too (Getty)
Most of us practice a number of bad habits daily, and some do this even though they know it may harm their physical health, or mental. The ellduclos blog lists some of those habits that people should stop doing immediately. Let’s review it together.
Don’t try to change situations that can’t be changed
How many times have you tried to fix a situation even though you knew you didn’t have it, or that it was out of your control? You have to accept the fact that some things you cannot change. This will make you less stressed.
Stop comparing yourself to others
Comparisons destroy psychological peace. Don’t compare yourself to others. The only person you can compare yourself to is you earlier, last week, last month, or last year.
Beware of losing self-confidence
One of the keys to success is to believe in yourself. If you constantly frustrate yourself with the feeling that you can’t do something, you probably won’t, and changing that way of thinking can lead to success. Try it.
It is not healthy to hold on to the past
If you refuse to move beyond what happened in the past for any reason, it will make you a prisoner of this past, and can destroy your future. Learn to live in the moment, and leave the past behind.
Make sure you forgive yourself
You have to forgive yourself for the mistakes in order to feel happy. Sometimes this is not easy, but it is not impossible. Forgiving yourself is essential to your mental health.
Running in all directions is a waste of effort
Some people like to do it all at once thinking that they can get important things done, or make great progress, but they usually end up getting very tired without achieving anything. Focus on the priorities, make sure you get some rest, and entertain yourself.
Keeping annoying people in your life is bad for your mental health
Some believe that he has to accept people as they are, and that getting rid of a bad person, or getting away from him as much as possible, is not a necessity, but rather a part of life’s concerns. Don’t make this mistake. Get rid of the annoying people and don’t feel guilty regarding it.
Lack of sleep is not a way to achieve more
If you sacrifice enough sleep many nights in order to get extra work done, then stop. Not sleeping well means that you will not be in full physical and mental fitness the next day.
Try not to pick up the phone as soon as you wake up
This is a very bad start to the day. Try having a cup of coffee first, or doing some physical or mental exercise, you can also read part of a book, or write a short text.
Remember to drink extra water
Drinking an adequate amount of water is an urgent necessity, as water should precede coffee and tea, and it should be repeated throughout the day, especially on hot days, or those that require greater muscular effort.