Mexican women close the street to have jumping classes: viral video | entertainment pop culture

Women close the vehicular passage of a street for their ‘jumping’ classes

It was the TikTok user, identified as Gaby López, who revealed through a video clip, lasting 14 seconds, how a group of women decided to close the vehicular path of a street in order to exercise.

According to the comments of the viral video, this happened in the mayor’s office of Iztapalapa, Mexico City; where the group of at least 15 people tied a cloth horizontally from pole to pole for their ‘jumping’ class (aerobic exercise that combines music with bouncing on a mini trampoline).

In this way they tried to avoid an accident by prohibiting the passage of cars while their class time was passing in the middle of the street. Here is the recording:

After watching the video, hundreds of Internet users gave their opinion regarding it. Some agreed with the initiative, as local residents explained that there are no sports centers nearby:

“I lived a street back from there and I think they do a good job. Near the area there is not a single park where they can do physical activity”, “The street was closed on instructions from the mayor’s office, it was not because we wanted to. They even gave us the tape and constantly send patrols”, “Well, if they close the streets to hold their parties, I don’t see anything wrong with closing them for an hour to exercise”, “It’s a neighborhood gym, good for them at least it’s a healthy activity”, “It’s admirable, the joke is to exercise and not settle for poor physical condition or deplorable exercise” or “A thousand times better to close the street for a little while than not doing any exercise”.

Of course, there were also critics of the initiative, who listed the negative points regarding the closure of the road:

“I mean, it’s fine because it’s a healthy activity; but it is not appropriate because they do not allow circulation”, “I would be one of those who would complain because they obstruct the road, the street is a public space that should not be privatized”, “I do not agree with this, because if they are not required spaces for the realization of safe spaces for physical activity then they will never be created”, Very bad, encourage physical activity without affecting third parties”, “The truth is, I would like to live in Switzerland and miss out on these things” or “It is illegal for proceed to close a street, for that there are parks and sports facilities”.

What do you think regarding the initiative of women to exercise? Tell us in the comments.



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