Plasma lift, the method to stretch the skin of the belly without post-delivery surgery (and not only)

The arrival of a baby changes the body forever. If some mothers only see their pelvis widen, others find their belly distended, despite the lost pregnancy pounds. Thus, it happens that the skin does not regain all of its elasticity, presenting a more or less significant “deflated balloon” appearance. To treat it, abdominoplasty is an effective solution. However, going through the bistoury box does not necessarily appeal. In the non-surgical solution category, we find the Plasma Lift.

What is Plasma Lift?

A non-invasive aesthetic technique, the Plasma Lift first became known as THE method once morest sagging eyelids. Nearly ten years later, its technology is put to use in other areas of the body, which also encounter a sagging skin. Thus, we can treat the eyelids, the oval of the face, the neck, the décolleté, the contour of the lips, the belly… But not only! The Plasma Lift also acts on the hypertrophic scars, acne marks, stretch marks and pigment spots

The principle ? Tighten the skin with plasma, an electric arc delivering a current composed of ionized particles and electrons. Passed a few millimeters from the skin, it sends out heat which destroys the superficial cells of the epidermis, forces the skin to retract and, deeper down, stimulates the production of collagen (a protein responsible for ensuring cohesion, elasticity and tissue regeneration).

“It’s not an invasive technique. It only acts on the skin which is relaxed, and not on the fat. Also, young mothers who want a Plasma Lift session are only eligible once the weight gained during pregnancy has been lost, otherwise they would be disappointed with the result. », warns Léa Krakovitch, founder of the Institute The pretty cheekbones.

Precautions to take before and following a Plasma Lift session

The Plasma Lift requires a test on a small part of the skin, in order to ensure that no bad reaction is to be feared. Fifteen days later, if nothing is to be declared, you have the green light for your session.

Being tanned is a refusal factor at the Plasma Lift, so do not plan your session when you return from a vacation in the sun.

On D-day, the application of an anesthetic cream is recommended beforehand, in order not to feel pain during the procedure. Also remember to come dressed in loose clothing.

Afterwards, it is not recommended to expose yourself to the sun, and this for a dozen days. After this time, a product very high sun protection (50 +) will be in place for two months. The reason ? En penetrating the surface layer of the skin, the current creates tiny cavities. During the following two to three days, small crusts are visible (in volume, and not hollow) or, under the effect of UV rays, they can turn into scars.

It is also recommended not to apply anything to the treated area and not to wet it while it heals.

The effects of Plasma Lift over time

If the retracted skin is visible immediately, you have to wait to see the full effects. So, allow between one and three months for the skin to regenerate completely.

The result lasts for an average of five years, provided, however, that you have not had significant weight changes or another pregnancy. “You must also keep in mind that with age, skin aging take the top. The younger the skin, the faster and better it recovers, and therefore the more effective the Plasma Lift is”, specifies the founder of The pretty cheekbones.

Plasma Lift on belly skin, caesarean section scar and stretch marks

If some young mothers turn to Plasma Lift, it is mainly for the tensor effect it offers to their belly. An impact on the caesarean section scar is also very often expected. Still, it’s not as satisfying, readily concedes Léa Krakovitch : « The Plasma Lift reduces scars, but does not make them disappear. This technology ensures a less conspicuous delimitation between the skin and the scar, especially if it is not very wide, but it is not a miracle method. » The same is true with stretch marks.

Count regarding 2h30 to treat your belly (umbilical zone + sides), for a price between 800 and 1300 €, not covered by Social Security. A large sum to be expected, however the device costing €10,000 to purchase, we understand (a little) better the amount set by the treatment centers and institutes. One to three sessions are expected, depending on the profiles. Between two sessions, count twenty-eight days minimum.

Contraindications to Plasma Lift

Before starting a Plasma Lift session, a questionnaire must be completed. If not, run away! It is necessary for the practitioner to ensure that you do not have a pacemaker, do not suffer from heart problems, and that you do not have any healing problems. Are you breastfeeding your baby? It is better to wait until the end of breastfeeding, so as not to disturb the process. This is a precautionary principle. As for pregnant women, the Plasma Lift is not for them, even if the area to be treated is far from the belly. Finally, dark skins often risk a phenomenon of hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, hence the test, essential!



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