More than a year following the earthquake rocked the Activision Blizzard galaxy, a former victim has decided to sue the company for sexual harassment and gender discrimination. Under the pseudonym of Jane Doe, this former Activision employee mainly targets Miguel Vega, a manager who was fired in September 2021.
With this legal action, the victim is asking for damages for the damages suffered as well as the resignation of CEO Robert Kotick.
In fact, we learn that Jane Doe met Miguel Vega for the first time in 2009. After this first meeting, the two people formed an online relationship during which Jane sent compromising photos to Miguel. Two years later, Jane met her future husband and ended their relationship.
In the years that followed, Mr. Vega would repeatedly come back to the charge and would regularly make advances to Jane while they were at work. The latter adds that he tried several times to kiss her, to touch her and that he made many sexual allusions.
Furthermore, Mr. Vega allegedly looked for ways to lower the work provided by the employee and threatened to use the compromising photos as a form of blackmail to force her to leave her husband, assuring her that one day she will end ” by cracking”.
After learning of the actions of its employee, Activision Blizzard terminated the contract with Miguel Vega, who was fired the following month. However, the complaint claims that the company took too long to act, and Ms. Doe suffered physical and mental pain and humiliation as a result of the manager’s actions and Activision Blizzard’s slow response.
Note that the company reacted to this new lawsuit:
“We take all employee concerns seriously. When the complainant raised her concerns, we immediately opened an investigation, and Mr. Vega was terminated within 10 days. We have no tolerance for this kind of behaviour.”
The lawyer in charge of the case for the former employee is Lisa Bloom. She recently tweeted that his firm currently represents 8 women who filed sexual harassment complaints once morest Activision.