Waypoint update brought down the business of No Man’s Sky billionaires


For a long time the most guaranteed way of earning for players No Man’s Sky was the extraction of activated indium. It is obtained relatively easily, used in a number of recipes and sold through the terminal: before the release of the update Waypoint the unit price was 949 units.

In order to get hold of huge sums of in-game money, players built huge farms controlled by artificial intelligence on discovered indium deposits. These factories brought millions and billions of units to the owners, and many simply gave activated indium to newcomers so that they might get on their feet and find their own indium.

Waypoint Update put an end to on these startups: the price of indium fell to 165 units. Simultaneously Hello Games reduced drilling efficiency: each new object in the same field brings less and less production. Players have calculated that it now takes 50% more time to harvest the same amount of Indium.

However, few people mourn the dozens of hours spent on the construction of indium farms. Players see this as a kind of reset and are already looking for other ways to mine and invest their billions. For example, rebuild your farms for gold mining or set off to explore new worlds.

Those who don’t want to turn the game into an endless production loop can take advantage of another new addition to the Waypoint update: the Relaxed Mode. This is an adventure with minimal risk and no grind. If you wish, you can set zero prices for all game items in it and enjoy your travels.

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