Prime Macron: amount, conditions, payment… here is everything you need to know!

Since 2019, the President of the Republic took action to support the purchasing power the French. It was this year that it was The most important. Inflation has reached a critical level. According to INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies), the level ofinflation from last month is 5.6% over one year. A law even bears the name of “purchasing power protection”. In this new text, the Macron bonus has not only changed its name.

In the same way, the amount has also tripled. However, this aid is allocated to whom? What are the conditions and what is the amount? We tell you everything in this article.

What is a bounty?

In the last three months, we often wait for this term. the government speaks in particular of the inflation premium, the Christmas bonus, or even the Macron bonus. These are all social assistance which aim to protect the purchasing power of the French. That said, how do you tell them apart?

Already, most of primes offered by the State are “exceptional bonuses”. Moreover, the real name of the inflation premium is “the exceptional back-to-school bonus”. And for the Christmas bonus, it is “the exceptional end-of-year bonus”.

However, the Macron bonus, or value-sharing bonus (PPV), relates much more to the usual term. A bounty is an amount that the employer gives to his employees outside of salaryof course.

What is the Macron bonus?

You know how to do the difference between exceptional bonuses and classic bonuses. And the Macron bonus, what does it consist of? First of all, the official name is no longer the Macron bonus, but the PPV for value sharing bonus.

This change is mentioned in articles 1 to 8 of the law of August 16, 2022 for the protection of purchasing power. As its name suggests, this measure allows the employer to pay a certain sum to one or more of their employees.

In compliance with the ceilings in force, the bosses are free to choose the person to whom they want to offer this assistance. Nevertheless, in a concern for fairnessthe employer must justify with objective and fair reasons the possible criteria for granting this aid.

The conditions for granting this bonus

In this section, we will see who can offer this help and who can benefit from it.

Who can allocate the Macron bonus?

Despite its name, it is not Emmanuel Macron who will offer you this help. As mentioned above, the state only invites employers to offer this assistance. All bosses in the private sector can therefore give it.

However, it is not just them, the following natural or legal personalities can also offer the Macron bonus :

  • Self-employed workers: craftsmen, traders, farmers, liberal professions
  • Mutuals
  • Associations or foundations
  • Trade unions
  • Public establishments of an industrial and commercial nature (EPIC)
  • Public administrative establishments (EPA) — whenthey employ private sector employeesfor example regional health agencies.

Who can benefit ?

So much for those who can afford it. Still, to whom they can pay that premium ? For employees, they can expect to have the Macron bonus if they are linked to the company by an employment contract (CDD or CDI) or have the following functions:

  • Be a disabled worker covered by an ESAT,
  • be a temporary worker,
  • To be a public official

However, we would like to remind you that nothing obliges the employer to vgive us the Macron bonus . The government website of Service-Public clarified:

“This bonus remains optional and at the discretion of the employer”

Dates to remember

The new version of the Macron bonus brought by the law on purchasing power is paid within the following deadlines:

From August 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

According to the purchasing power law, the payment deadline for the year 2022 is December 31. However, this does not mean that in 2023 the Macron bonus is no longer available. However, there are some changes depending on the dates.

From August 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023

During this period, the Macron bonus is exempt from employer and employee social contributions and contributions. That’s to say exempt from CSG and CRDS. In addition, for employees earning up to 3 times the minimum wage, the bonus is exempt from income tax.

From January 1, 2024

From 2024, the Macron bonus is still in effect, but there are some changes. Social security contributions (CSG and CRDS) continue to be exempt. However, the income tax exemption no longer applies. The bounty is subject to income taxregardless of its amount whether it makes 3 times the minimum wage or not.

The amounts of the Macron bonus

The amount of the bounty is at the discretion of whoever is bidding, however, the state sets its ceiling. When it was set up in 2019, the amount of the Macron bonus was capped at 1,000 euros. Given the curves of inflation, this amount has tripled.

As mentioned above, the Purchasing Power Law did not just change the name of the bonus. She raised the ceiling to 3,000 euros. Even better, for companies that signed a profit-sharing agreement in 2021, the amount is 2,000 euros.

And this, between the date of signature and August 2022. From this date, the value is capped at 6,000 euros. However, provided that the number of employees in the company does not exceed 50 people.

For 2022, the amount is 8,000 euros

For this year, it is possible thata beneficiary receives 8,000 euros. Does that surprise you? The combination of two ceilings makes it possible to reach 8,000 euros. This is possible because a employer who has already paid the premium before August 1 can pay it once more with the new rate.

For the lucky ones, the Macron bonus amounts to 8,000 euros (2,0000 + 6,000). In these difficult timeswe can say that there is enough to boost your purchasing power.



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