“It was not a good sign”: his face was deformed and he thought it was due to an insect bite, but he was wrong

Alejandro got a big scare. One day, he woke up with a swollen lip and the doctors told him it was due to a bug bite. But, following several days in which the pain increased and discovered something inside the gum. Upon revisiting the professionals, he received an unexpected diagnosis.

A young Spaniard, originally from Andalusia, woke up one day in November 2021 with a swollen lip. Given the alarm that the swelling spread to the cheek, he quickly went to the medical center. There, the professionals warned him that it might all be an insect bite that caused an allergic reaction, so he returned to his house a little calmer.

A young Spaniard woke up with a swollen face and received an unexpected diagnosis.

But, that same night, the discomfort increased and one side of his face was completely swollen. “I mightn’t open my eye and it hurt a lot”pointed in a TikTok video in which he recounted his experience and that in just one day exceeded one million views.

He immediately returned to the hospital and was given medication that caused the swelling in his face to go down. Despite that, following a few hours she was back to how she was before and she was in a lot of pain. “My entire face was deformed and pus began to come out of my gums. It was not a good sign.”warned in the publication.

Luckily, everything was in a scare. A month later, she got a dentist appointment and He was diagnosed with a cyst, which had to be removed through an operation to avoid greater risks. Despite presenting a slight swelling in the lip due to the intervention, Alejandro felt well following a few days.

The users of the social network were happy with the end of the story and that the young man is well. In addition, some reported similar experiences of him. “The same happened to me. I went to major surgery. The infection ate the turbinate of my nose and destroyed my teeth“, Wrote one. “I had a cyst on the same tooth and they operated on me, but I lost it. The infection was severe and he mightn’t open his eye,” said another.

Something similar -although much more serious- happened to Courtney Nettleton, a 20-year-old UK citizen, who received a devastating diagnosis. The first signs began when she noticed that she was “extremely tired” and went to the doctor. “I slept up to 14 hours a day, but they told me it was teenage vagrancy”he reported on his TikTok account.

The 20-year-old was feeling tired and was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

The tiredness wouldn’t go away, and suddenly she found herself with a lump in her neck, as well as hot flashes, mood swings, and shortness of breath. For this reason, she requested an urgent appointment with the specialist. The doctor performed an ultrasound and a biopsy, and two weeks later, they confirmed the frightening diagnosis: had thyroid cancer. Now he uses the social network to relate the process of his illness.

Today the young woman undergoes two types of treatment to overcome it and is dedicated to raising awareness among the population and professionals regarding the importance of early detection.




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