Against the stranglehold of Indians and Chinese: Local producers begin the showdown – Lequotidien

Scrap dealers, junk dealers and recyclers will be in the streets on October 18 to show their spite. This, following the bulimia of the industrialists and the non-respect of the conventions by the exporters. Also claiming to be victims of unfair competition and a campaign of demonization on the part of industrialists in the sector, the members of the Federation of scrap dealers, second-hand goods dealers and recyclers of Senegal (Fnfbrs) call for the diligence of the new Minister of Trade , consumption and smes to restore order in the sector which is going through difficult times. During a press briefing held on Thursday, the scrap dealers sharply attacked Someta and Fabrimetal which, according to them, are at the origin of the disturbances in the sector. “The truth must be told to our rulers so that adequate measures are taken for the good of everyone,” insisted Assane Bissichi, reading the opening statement. “The two industrialists, Someta and Fabrimetal, denounce a shortage of material caused by the massive export of scrap metal, while it is these two factories that maintain the exporters,” he said, noting in the same lucky that “the majority of containers intended for export are loaded inside these two factories”. He reiterated that black scrap is the way the industry needs to operate. “The other type of ferrous product, which is cast iron, is authorized to be exported only with a license”, noted Mr. Bissichi, denouncing strong competition on this material that industries buy at a low price to resell it. “with a benefit of 25 thousand francs per ton”. “The other problem that exists in the sector is the absence of statistics from manufacturers who refuse to communicate on their absorption capacity”, made clear the president of the Fnfbrs, asking the Minister of Commerce to set up a commission mixed for an exhaustive inspection of industrial capacities. “We ask the Minister, Abdou Karim Fofana, to take all his responsibilities before the situation degenerates,” urged the scrap dealers who intend to block the road to industrialists in their attempt to keep them off the circuit. “We call on all members to rally en masse, on October 18, the Place de la Nation to show all our determination in this fight”, launched President Bissichi to his colleagues of the federation.

Par Alioune Badara NDIAYE –



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