here is the real salary of a secretary of state!

Even if the weather is less and less clement, it is always interesting for a journalist to leave the windows open to the editorial staff. A favorable wind sent us the real payslip of a secretary of state. The question of remuneration has been the subject of multiple sometimes contradictory declarations or laborious silences since Mathieu Michel, in charge of Digitalization and Simplification, confided that he earned between 14,000 and 15,000 euros per month during the RTL broadcast. -TVi “Sunday isn’t every day”.

500 € of fuel

Again this weekend, a member of the federal government calculated his monthly salary at 10,000 euros. Upon hearing this, our source, who intends to remain anonymous, contacted us to, with supporting evidence, give us the true calculation of the emoluments of a Secretary of State at the present time. We publish the document in summary form above. We see that the basic net salary amounts to €12,117.60. Added to this are €1,276.38 for company car leasing costs, nearly €500 per month for fuel costs and €140 for the mobile phone subscription and iPad. We arrive at a total of €14,033.98. So not far from the figure announced by Mathieu Michel.

Our source did not attach to his document the salary slip of a federal minister. Shame. But, she explains, the budget voted at the start for the year 2022 provided for a salary of 251,000 € for the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister, 246,000 € for the ministers and 234,000 € for the Secretaries of State. . This amount does not include car leasing, fuel and mobile phone costs. “We must apply a coefficient of 1.08 to these amounts because they have been indexed four times since the budget was set. We therefore arrive at 271,080 €, 265,680 € and 252,720 € respectively.

Last Thursday in the context of the budgetary conclave, Prime Minister Alexander De Croo handed a note to his team in which it is proposed to reduce the salaries of members of the government by 8% from next year. The objective is to moderate the impact of indexing. The revenue expected in 2023 would amount to 456,000 euros.

This Friday, the Walloon government, as part of its own budget exercise, decided to reduce ministerial allowances by 8%. Invited to our studios on Monday, Minister Morreale clarified that the cabinet costs were also reduced and that she intended to go a little further in the effort made: “I will not change my company vehicle by the end of the legislature. The rule is that you change cars every two or three years, but I won’t do that”.



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