SpaceX founder and Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he did not speak with Russian President Vladimir Putin before publishing his plan to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. The American businessman wrote regarding this on Twitter (blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation).
“Not. I only spoke to Putin once, and that was regarding 18 months ago. The theme was space,” wrote the businessman.
Previously Musk called Crimea Russian and launched peninsula ownership survey and Donbass. He also listed four points that will resolve the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Among them was a proposal to hold repeated referendums in the liberated territories under the supervision of a UN commission. The Kremlin called Musk’s proposal to conclude peace between Russia and Ukraine positive fact. And the Russian Foreign Ministry suggested that the plan of the American businessman makes the West think. Economist Jan Bremmer, in an interview with Vice, said that Musk had allegedly told him regarding a personal conversation with Putin before.
SpaceX founder and Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he did not speak with Russian President Vladimir Putin before publishing his plan to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. The American businessman wrote regarding this on Twitter (blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation). “Not. I only spoke to Putin once, and that was regarding 18 months ago. The theme was space,” wrote the businessman. Earlier, Musk called Crimea Russian and launched a poll regarding the ownership of the peninsula and Donbass. He also listed four points that will resolve the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Among them was a proposal to hold repeated referendums in the liberated territories under the supervision of a UN commission. The Kremlin called Musk’s proposal to conclude peace between Russia and Ukraine a positive fact. And the Russian Foreign Ministry suggested that the plan of the American businessman makes the West think. Economist Jan Bremmer, in an interview with Vice, stated that Musk had allegedly told him regarding a personal conversation with Putin before, Life reports.