“It seems like a little changuito”: the racist comments for which one of the most powerful Latino politicians in Los Angeles had to resign

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  • BBC News World

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Nury Martínez resigned from the presidency of the Los Angeles City Council.

Nury Martínez, president of the Los Angeles City Council and one of the most powerful Latino politicians in the American city, resigned from that position on Monday following the controversy generated by a leak in which racist comments are heard.

Among other derogatory remarks, he said that the African-American son of Councilman Mike Bonin “looks like changuito”. And she compared it to an accessory her colleague wears “on her side.” “He brings it like this, during the Black History month (…). He brings the black of him, like on the side“.

The comments were made in the context of a meeting held in October 2021 with Councilmembers Gil Cedillo and Kevin de León and the president of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, Ron Herrera.

But they were disclosed by Los Angeles Times this Sunday, one month before the mayoral elections on November 8, which coincide with the mid-term elections, which are held every four years, halfway through a president’s term, and are crucial to the direction he will take the country.



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