Mindfulness: what is it and what is it for? | WELLNESS

The practice of It seeks to make us aware of the sensations and emotions that can often go unnoticed. Find out more regarding this technique and what its benefits are in this note.

It helps us to reconnect with ourselves to relieve stress. . In addition, it helps us to pay attention to what is happening in the present moment, as well as to be in tune with our emotions. In general, it benefits us both mentally and physically.

What are the benefits?

Various studies have shown that mindfulness helps improve self-knowledge, as well as better management of interpersonal relationships. Bringing the mind to a state of calm, enhances our creativity. In addition, it improves our ability to concentrate and fights insomnia.

How to start practicing it? Here are some tips:

  1. deep breaths Bring your attention to your breath. This is a cyclical act that is in a constant flow, keeping us alive and connected at all times with the present. We breathe automatically and unconsciously; however, breathing is the main form of nutrition for our body, so becoming aware of it will give us greater self-control over ourselves.
  2. Observe your thought. Focus your attention on something in particular, in this way you will prevent intrusive thoughts from crossing by your mind trying to disconnect you from the present moment.
  3. Identify your emotions. Every day we accumulate feelings and emotions that we manage to repress to continue with our lives. It is common that the first times we practice mindfulness we feel discomfort, sadness, and even anxiety, contrary to what we think it should be (relaxing). Little by little this helps us to master our emotions, instead of being dominated by them..
  4. Use visualization. Using visualization techniques will facilitate mental control to generate a state of relaxation and better manage thoughts and emotions. Let them surge. In our mind we have a very wide register of sensations linked to certain images, objects, textures, colors, etc. Just the fact of thinking regarding something, brain activates the areas related to its act.
  5. Be aware of your body. Frequently, our emotions hide in our body in the form of bodily sensations that can be reflected in muscle tension, skin problems, digestive problems, among others. Pay attention to any discomfort or tension to start releasing it.



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