Why the Talkov family does not allow Azize to see her only son

The life of the performer of the hit “I’ll be back” was tragically cut short more than thirty years ago. For many years, the charming artist was considered the culprit of what happened.

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The favorite of millions of Russians found his end at the Yubileiny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg in October 1991. Many call an ardent admirer of the popular singer Aziza the killer of Igor Talkov, but officially the crime is still considered unsolved.

So, the conflict between men led to a fatal shot, allegedly made by Igor Malakhov. The bullet fired by him from a pistol hit Talkov right in the heart. Ever since fans continue to blame the exotic woman for what happened. Could not forgive the singer, apparently, and relatives of the deceased. So, the only heir to Igor Vladimirovich still cannot talk regarding what happened without anger and resentment.

At one time, Aziza became the godmother of Talkov’s grandson. But now it has become known regarding the decision of the artist’s son to annul the sacred rite. The last straw in the patience of the relatives was the singer’s words regarding Talkov’s connection with the “dark business”. The revelations of a celebrity outraged Igor Talkov Jr., who decided to save Svyatoslav from a too talkative spiritual parent. Thus, the 58-year-old artist was deleted from the list of family members.

“Good luck, Aziza. You are either crazy or paid. I don’t want to have anything to do with you. We will baptize Saint soon. And you, apparently, go straight … Your road is already clear where, ”said the son of the late artist on the air of the YouTube show Enough Rumors.

Apparently, Azize will not be allowed to see her only godson, while the performer never had her own children. As one of the most spectacular women in Russia once noted, she repeatedly made attempts to give birth to an heir. Alas, on that ill-fated day when the artist died, the beauty in love lost a child, whose father, according to her, was Igor Talkov.



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