A new week begins in this month of October with an incredible, improbable, extraordinary and even record jackpot for this Loto draw on Monday, October 10, 2022. Indeed, following two evenings without a big winner since the Forgotten Jackpot Super Lottothe Loto jackpot now stands at 21 million euros, an amount never offered in 2022 by the Lotery Lotto. As every evening, you can participate by playing until 8:15 p.m., then, from 8:50 p.m., the results will be published on Tirage-Gagnant.com.
Update of 10/10/22 at 8:50 p.m.: an internet player won 21 million euros tonight
The Lotto evening of this Monday, October 10 ends very well for an internet player who has just won the special Super Lotto jackpot last Friday, to which 2 million euros had to be added because he was not won this weekend twice. . This is the biggest jackpot won this year 2022 at the Loto. Did you win this jackpot? You can check your winnings for free on Tirage-Gagnant.com to find out.
Many of you played at least one grid during the last Loto draw this Saturday, October 8, 2022. With more than 1 million winning tickets all over France, the pressure was extremely around the kitty which already peaked at 20 million euros. Among the lucky ones of this evening, let us mention the 52 players who found 4 correct numbers and the Chance number, they each won €5,655. Obviously, the ten winners of the Loto raffle also left richer by €20,000 each, they pocketed the biggest winnings of this last Loto evening.
Today, for this new draw for Monday, October 10, 2022, there will still be millions of you wanting to pocket this historic jackpot. For that, how regarding trying your luck by playing at least one grid for tonight’s draw?
Play a Loto FDJ grid for a chance to win 21 million euros
The adage “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” has never resonated as well as for the lottery sector. If you wish to be able to dream of the jackpot of 21 million euros, the main condition is that of playing at least one grid. Online or at a point of sale, the choice is yours to try your luck this Monday, October 10, 2022. The one and only constraint is to have your grid validated before 8:15 p.m. tonight.
Wednesday October 12, 2022 2 000 000 € jour hour min sec To play
Loto draw results available from 8:50 p.m. this Monday evening
Despite the very nice Loto pot of this Monday, October 10, 2022, the rules of the game and the publication of the results will not be modified in any way compared to usual. Thus, you are invited to follow the Lotto draw results from 8:50 p.m. on Tirage-Gagnant.com.
All of the two winning combinations (main draw and 2nd Loto draw) will be published in the same way as the loto tombola codes will be posted. Finally, the complete earnings report will be offered in order to be able to check your lotto winnings freely and for free.
FAQ: frequently asked questions regarding Loto FDJ
What are the odds of winning the Loto jackpot today?
By playing a Loto grid this Monday, October 10, you have a 1 in 19 million chance of winning the 21 million euro jackpot. The Loto lottery with many intermediate wins, you have a 1 in 6 chance of hitting one of the ranks outside the jackpot.
How to play a Loto grid in a few minutes in today’s draw?
To play a Loto grid, you will have the choice between checking your numbers online on the Française des jeux website or going to an authorized FDJ point of sale near you. You will have the opportunity to play until 8:15 p.m. this Monday evening. ▶ Play a Loto grid online here
When will the results of the Loto draw for this October 10 be available?
The results of the Loto draw will be available from 8:50 p.m. this Monday, October 10, 2022. Free and live, follow all the results of this new draw. ▶ The latest Loto results here