Energy crisis: for Elio Di Rupo, “in the long term, the solution is to drastically reduce energy consumption”

The market is not controlled at all and it is going crazy

Regarding the energy component, note that the Walloon government announced on Friday that it was going to mobilize approximately 3 billion euros to deal with the current crisis. But Elio Di Rupo recalled that the institution that can provide the most short-term solutions is the European Commission.

The latter has a lot of trouble moving forward because of a “ideological problem.” The Walloon Minister-President adds that in reality “the market is not controlled at all and it is going crazyAnd he adds:when energy bills are multiplied by 5, by 7, by 10, it’s the absolute absurd.”

Therefore, to respond to the energy crisis, the response of the European Commission and decisions at federal level are still awaited. As for the level of the Region, its competences relate to energy savings “and we have put a lot of money so that our fellow citizens of Wallonia can insulate, can reduce energy consumption.”

This point is essential according to Elio Di Rupo: “because even if we find solutions for the next few months with the European Union, in the long term, the solution is to drastically reduce energy consumption.”

19°C rather than 22°C, some laugh, but it saves money

Reducing energy consumption, this requires insulation of the roof, in particular. But this also requires behavior adapted to the current difficulties. And the Minister-President added:when we say: 19°C rather than 22°C, some people laugh, but it saves money.”

Adapting its behavior is essential in the future, because if the price of energy will not remain at the current price, believes Elio Di Rupo, “Energy will remain expensive.” He specifies that one can laugh when one speaks of “operation turtleneck”, but “at home, I put on a sweater and it’s not the end of the world.”



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