How did Dwayne Johnson make it clear that his favorite role is dad? TheRock | SHOWS

The rumors regarding an apparent candidacy for the presidency of the United States have drawn the attention of the followers of ‘The Rock’; however, the celebrity and former wrestler took it upon himself to drive them away by confessing that he found the role he seeks to capture in his personal life in the nearest future. Discover everything that the remembered WWE character indicated.

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The life of a public figure is usually very busy and heavy, since this is due to the public and must be present in different activities that will enhance their image and their work. For this reason, many times these people are prevented from being able to share time with their families, who only have to get used to seeing them absent in meetings or important moments.

He wants to dedicate himself to his daughters

In the recent conversation he had Dwayne Johnson con Tracy Smith for the program , the 50-year-old man made a retrospective view to remember what his step and growth in Hollywood has been. the remembered fighter He talked regarding his departure from wrestling, his start in the movies and regarding the rumors that indicate a presidential run.

Johnson recalled that at the beginning the film industry told him to stop calling himself ‘The Rock’ and lose a little weight in order to fit into this environment, which he accepted. On the other hand, when asked by Smith regarding his role in politics, Dwayne explained that none of this is true, since he does not plan to put aside the lives of his daughters once more.

“I will say this, because it requires the B side of this: I love our country and everyone in it. And I also love being a dad. And that’s the most important thing for me, is being a dad, number one, especially during this time, this critical moment in my daughters’ lives, because I know what it was like to be on the road and to be so busy that I was absent for many years. ”he explained.

In addition, he dispelled all kinds of doubts by stating that for the time being his priority is to be the father of his two daughterswith which he usually shares content on his social networks. “So, my number one priority is my daughters”ended the celebrity to make it clear that he does not want to run for president and forget his little ones.



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