In your life, was there a before and following April 27, 2020?
“From that day, in addition to the rest, I added the function of spokesperson, the work for different bodies that advised such as Celeval, GEMS… the arrival of vaccines… I also had my role as President of the vaccination section of the Superior Health Council. Luckily I was a pensioner. »
An active pensioner…
” In effect. No one thought I was a pensioner and besides, all the positions were free. I never touched anything except at the level of the position of spokesperson where I was entitled to travel expenses and fortunately because I drove 14,000 km for the function. »
A tough time?
“The only problem was that during the journeys, I didn’t have time to read the scientific articles. As soon as I got home, I updated myself to answer new questions from journalists. It was a very rich period for me, especially since, in infectious diseases, the coronavirus had never fascinated anyone. It was also an exciting period because I was discovering other environments such as the media, politics… Humanly speaking, it was very interesting too. »
Do you already have media experience?
“The first time I appeared in the media was in 1985 or 1986 on an RTBF newscast because there had been a case of malaria at Zaventem airport in the summer. Afterwards, I went on TV once or twice a year to comment on cases of Ebola, thoughts on vaccines…”
What was your typical day like?
“Two audiovisual media and two to six print journalists… and at weekends too. It was the principle of the spokesperson to be available. I must have responded to 95% of the requests »
Has your life become abnormal?
“Out of sync. It reminded me of my life as a doctor who was on call and where we didn’t eat at a fixed time. It was a good stimulant for the mind. »
An impact on married life?
“I was still present in the house even if I was often in meetings or on the phone. »