Shortage of fuels. At TotalEnergies, the CGT is ready to limit its demands to wages

The CGT, which leads ongoing strikes at TotalEnergiessays it is ready to start negotiations on Monday on the single issue of wage increases, leaving aside its demands for hiring and investment, according to an open letter sent Saturday, October 8 to the group’s CEO.

In order to get out of the deadlock situation, we reiterate our request to open negotiations, hoping that you will finally hear it. We are ready to start them on Monday on the basis of our wage demand alone.​, writes Éric Sellini, CGT coordinator at TotalEnergies, in this letter addressed to the group’s CEO, Patrick Pouyanné and posted on Twitter.

The CGT demands a 10% increase over 2022 – 7% for inflation, 3% for wealth sharing while the group made $ 10.6 billion in profit in the first half.

Inflexible on the schedule

For its part, management recalls that it has granted wage measures representing an average increase of 3.5% in 2022 and refers to a negotiation session scheduled for November 15 for 2023 wages. It seems inflexible on this timetable.

In addition to the wage increase, the CGT had been demanding for several months a hiring freeze in France and a massive investment plan in France.

If that can make things happen, we leave aside for the moment the problem of jobs and that of investments.​, Éric Sellini told AFP.

In particular, the union demanded to review in depth the issue of temporary work and short contracts​, added Eric Sellini.

The country’s economy under threat

The country’s shortage situation, a consequence of the impossibility of discussing wage measures with the management, causes strong discontent, and threatens to slow down the country’s economyadds the mail to justify this concession, also recalling the government’s support for wage increases.

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The employees of our company, through their work, have enabled the Group to obtain stratospheric profitscontinues his letter. As proof, the ability of the general management to release extremely quickly an exceptional envelope of 2.62 billion euros for shareholders.

We went very quickly to remunerate the shareholders but we tell the employees that it is urgent to wait: why this difference in treatment?asked Thierry Defresne, CGT secretary of the TotalEnergies European committee, joined by AFP.

TotalEnergies CEO Patrick Pouyanné has not spoken publicly regarding the strike so far, but in an internal group video on Tuesday he acknowledged that the company’s results are exceptional in 2022 and declared we won’t forget you.

Asked Saturday regarding France Inter the secretary general of the CFDT Laurent Berger for his part disapproved of these preventive strikesjudging it necessary to go through negotiation first.



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