Regina Dubovitskaya let slip about the true reasons for the return of Andrei Malakhov to the air

It became known why the leadership of “Russia 1” returned the scandalous TV presenter to the air. The Malakhov show began airing on the channel on September 26.

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A few weeks ago, 50-year-old TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, following a long break, returned to the air of the Russia 1 channel. The broadcasting grid was radically redrawn at the end of February in connection with the events in Ukraine – the broadcaster’s management considered that entertainment programs no longer had a place on the screen. Dissatisfied with this decision, people literally flooded the channel with letters, and recently television bosses finally met them halfway. Since September 26, 2022, the Malakhov show has been released on weekdays, consistently demonstrating high ratings (and Live, by the way, forever closed). Some other entertainment programs, however, have not yet returned to the screens. In a recent interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, 73-year-old comedian Regina Dubovitskaya explained this by saying that Andrey Malakhov’s show cannot be considered 100% entertaining, unlike the Full House.

“I know that Malakhov has already returned to the air, but he does not have a humorous program. It’s probably not the time for humor yet. We very much hope that by the New Year the audience will see “Full House”. But for now, I can’t answer the question of when Full House will return to the air. We do not relax with our artists, we work. We have already made several transfers, ”explains Regina Igorevna.

According to the TV presenter, from a financial point of view, none of the employees of the program was injured. Long-term contracts were signed with each of the employees, which continue to be implemented. None of the crew members were fired, the entire team is still in place.

“As soon as they give us the go-ahead, we will immediately begin to delight our beloved viewers with new numbers. I know that people are bored without the Full House, ”concluded Dubovitskaya, who is quoted by Moskovsky Komsomolets.



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