Quan Chiao Health Day Disease Prevention is Better than Cure | Health Services | Influenza | Monkeypox

Beijing time:2022-10-09 08:56

[NTDTV, Beijing time, October 09, 2022]The 32ndNational Health DayThe event attracted many people to come to participate, and there were many kinds ofhealth serviceand invite experts toinfluenzaandmonkeypoxExplain in detail.

Last Saturday, the Houston Asian American Health Education Association was held at the Houston Overseas Chinese Education CenterNational Health DayActivity. Provide on-site health screening, such as blood lipid, blood sugar measurement, vaccination,influenza, hepatitis screening, etc. There are also doctor consultations on site, such as gynecology, family medicine, oncology and so on. There are also a number of expert lectures on different infectious diseases and epidemics.

Deng Fuzhen, President of the Houston Asian American Health Education Association: “Today is our Asian American Health Education Association, which we hold every year. The big event we hold every year, the National Overseas Chinese Health Day, today is the 32nd session.”

Xu Huanlin, an attending physician in the ICU of the Houston Medical Center, explained the “risk and severity of influenza” for everyone. He mentioned that now the epidemic is becoming flu-like, and the common cold is quietly emerging in autumn and winter. Among them, vulnerable groups such as those under the age of 5 and over 65, pregnant women, and critically ill patients are more susceptible to infection. Therefore, you should wash your hands frequently, cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze, and rest at home if you catch a cold to avoid infecting others. He also said that there are more than 100 kinds of influenza currently, and the effective rate of influenza vaccine is less than 50%, so early prevention is the most important.

In addition, Dr. George Burnazian introducedmonkeypoxof infection and prevention, and Dr. Lin Chengxing explained the new knowledge of Covid-19 vaccine.

Reported by NTDTV reporters Mary and Daewoo Houston

URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/b5/2022/10/08/a103547115.html



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