Christian Essiambre gives back to Acadian youth

When Christian Essiambre, director and leading actor in the sketch comedy Shared custody (Unis TV), left his native Acadie to come and live in Quebec, a little less than 15 years ago, he had a very specific idea in mind.

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“When I left Acadie, I promised myself that one day I would return to give back to Acadie everything it gave me. […]. There, I find myself working in my ropes with young people. I have been an improv coach for a long time, I did theater with young people and there was a golden opportunity to create the first children on TV. »

Spotlight on the next generation

Christian Essiambre has put the odds on his side for us to discover new glaring talents, because he welcomed no less than 33 young people on the set of Shared custody and he gave them high visibility during the nearly 200 sketches he shot.

“What thrilled me the most was seeing small actors born […]. In Acadia, there is no agency, young people have no experience. The parents are super motivated, the kids are super excited; no one is jaded. »

Courtesy of United TV

Photo courtesy, Unis TV

Father of three children with whom he allowed himself to shoot scenes for this production, Christian Essiambre has nothing but praise for these unknown faces who carry, as he says himself, the show on their shoulders.

“It’s a succession that is not easy to develop here; we don’t have seven million francophones, but 350,000 in New Brunswick. When we are lucky enough to have a product that can unearth some rare gems for us, I am extremely proud of it. »

In his camera

Happy to give the answer to young people, the one who has already made toddlers travel with The stars of the dodo is just as happy to have been able to direct them.

“The technical team gathered around the monitor at certain performances. They were events. There is a kid who does monologues in sequence shots… The first time I saw a seven-year-old child deliver an incredible performance, I cried […]. I’m flabbergasted with the giant strides they made from day 1 to day 35. I still get chills when I talk regarding it. »

“Several times, following certain performances by young people, the adult actors would come up to me and say, ‘Come on, how do you expect me to come up to this?’ I answered them: “Dive with him because the youngster is ready and he is on the mark.” »

Throughout this adventure, on this set populated by children, Christian Essiambre made it a point to “have fun”, his motto as an artist.

“You have to remember that young people have a youth to live. It has to be fun and happy. If we start putting pressure on them, we miss the license and we live our dream and not theirs. »

Shared custody is broadcast several times a week on Unis TV, including Tuesdays at 7 p.m. It is possible to catch up on the first episodes online thanks to



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