But faced with the questions expressed, she provided clarifications to the government meeting in budgetary conclave. Last Sunday, in the wake of a European meeting, the environmental minister submitted to her colleagues an ambitious tax proposal, which goes further than the settlement agreed between European ministers. It proposes to tax income above 130 euros per MWh over a two-year period extending from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023 where the EU provided for a ceiling of 180 euros and a period from December 1, 2022 as of June 30, 2023.
“The proposal tabled last week respected the European framework. The European framework is a minimum mandatory framework. It allows member states to go further. I confirm what I said on Thursday in parliament: it is now a question of political will. There are on the one hand companies that are making extraordinary profits and on the other hand, households that can no longer pay their bills. I am on the side of households”, she underlined on Saturday.
Within the government, some, however, have doubts regarding the legal viability of the system, and are also wondering regarding the effect of this proposal while negotiations are underway with Engie, the first concerned by the tax, on the extension of two nuclear reactors.
Deputy Prime Minister CD&V and Minister of Finance, Vincent Van Peteghem, reiterated on Saturday his requirement for a solid legal framework. “There is a European proposal, which ensures a clear legal framework, and we are ready, within this legal framework, to ensure that we can skim off these superprofits. We must ensure that we have a solid legal basis. I have always said that if we put something on the table, it must not be canceled two months later by a court,” he said on Saturday morning when he arrived at the conclave.
On the other hand, the environmental minister received the support of her co-religionist, Georges Gilkinet, vice-Premier Ecolo. “I find it hard to understand that some government colleagues are stepping on the brakes and reproaching him for his ambition. All the additional means that can be obtained will be useful in these circumstances. The texts are ready. Let’s move forward,” he said. said.
The point is currently being examined in a working group, we learned from a good source.