If you want to take full advantage of the benefits of letter soups, you must stay focused from the first second and get the best time, to achieve this you must be agile, fast and enthusiastic. It is worth mentioning that these visual games can be really fun and ideal if you have some free time and want to clear your mind.
These challenges help improve brain development, that is, increase the ability to think, formulate solutions, analyze each of the components of the illustration and look for paths that lead to the correct answer.
Let us help you sharpen your mind with this entertaining beginner level word search puzzle, where your skills and experience will be put to the test. Take a look at the following illustration created by the team at Genial Guruovercome the challenge and break the record.
What is the visual challenge?
you have to find the word “STRAWBERRY” in the following alphabet soup, for this you only have 9 seconds on the clock
Were you able to get today’s riddle right? Tell us if you have succeeded. At the moment you know some facts that you may not have known regarding strawberries.
- It is a great alternative to correct the signs of fatigue, in other words, dark circles.
- An ally to maintain good oral health, it prevents yellowish teeth.
- If you are a strawberry lover, every March you can celebrate the Strawberry Capital of the World Festival.
- Strawberries are part of the rose family.
- Aging is inevitable, however, frequently consuming strawberries helps delay it.
Continue with your visual and mental training, you can search the wide catalog that we have prepared for you or you can carefully wait for the next riddles that will test your skills.
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