The unexpected discovery that unites all blue-eyed people

An investigation uncovered revealing data regarding a facial feature of humans that difference to each other. It’s regarding the color of the eyes, whether negros, browns, verdes, celestial o blues. This last color, which marks a clear difference when looking at another person face to face, has a scientific history behind it that encompasses them: Between 8 and 10 percent of the world’s population has blue eyes.. However, there is more behind to know.

The teacher Hans Eiberg, of the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, revealed, in the first place, to the specialized site Science Daily the difference that exists with the shades of green, another of the existing ranges “People who have green eyes can be explained by the fact that they have a reduced amount of melanin in the iris, which is very different from those with blue eyes.”.

At the time of delving into the central question, the professional poured the data of the investigation and added a historical concept: “Instead, all blue-eyed individuals are linked to the same ancestor. Everyone has inherited the same switch at exactly the same place in their DNA.”

In addition, to clarify the picture and provide even more certainty, he confirmed that this type of eye color is for a recessive genewhich means you must have two of them for the color becomes obvious.

When inquiring regarding the origin of this revelation, the scientists stated that the genetic mutation came from a “singular” human being who lived 10,000 years ago and deepened the study through the gene OCA2which determines the level of brown pigment in the human eye.

Green eyes mean that the person has a reduced amount of melanin in the iris.

Entering the color bluethe same genetic mutation results in the eyes of this shade coming from another gene, completely different, which renders the previously named, called HERC2and change the brown color to this one.

The different theories and complexities of the matter were discovered in 2008 by scientists from the University of Copenhagen, Denmarkwho initially located said mutation and when they began to retrace the path, began to find other data that served to rebuild the story.

In principle, it is believed, through relevant research, that the mutation might have occurred when humans migrated from Africa to Europewhich would result, in a way, that most people of European descent, generally, have eyes of the blue hue.

With some precise data and others that will require surgical precision to confirm them, science once once more took a new step in search of a dilemma that, in silence, began to be investigated and over time, added to the constant updating of data , will seek to be a source of pride for scientists.




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