Engineers regain control of the probe linked to the moon after 4 frightening weeks

Artist's conception of CAPSTONE.

Artist’s conception of CAPSTONE.
picture: NASA

We’ve got some good news to kick off the weekend: The recovery team has regained control of NASA’s CAPSTONE probe, which was in the midst of a four-month journey to an elliptical halo orbit around the moon.

The recovery team traced the problem to a partially open valve on one of CAPSTONE’s eight thrusters, according to to advanced space press release. The requested repair was transferred to the spacecraft yesterday and was carried out this morning with positive results. The probe is still on its way to its operational orbit around the Moon.

CAPSTONE, short for Cislunar Autonomous GPS Technology Operations and Navigation Experience, I faced difficulties After his third course correction maneuver on September 8. The 55 lb (25 kg) satellite lost full three-axis control and entered an unsettling state. bog down. A recovery team led by Advanced Space Corporation, which owns and operates CAPSTONE on behalf of NASA, scrambled to regain control of the $33 million cube. The probe’s propulsion and propulsion system remained in A a state that can be controlledCAPSTONE, however, might not direct its solar panels to draw the full amount of energy required.

Launched On June 28, Cubesat was on a preparatory mission to NASA’s Artemis Programwhich strives for sustainable Back to the moon. To support the Artemis crews, NASA and its international partners are planning to build a space station called Gate, in a gravitationally stable orbit known as a near rectilinear halo orbit (NRHO). No spacecraft has ever operated on the NRHO, hence the need for an exploratory mission.

As Advanced Space wrote in its press release, the partially open valve produces thrust in the associated thruster whenever the propulsion system is under pressure. To address the issue, the recovery team conducted “multiple tests on the vehicle and evaluated extensive telemetry and simulation data, then developed a plan to attempt to restore the vehicle’s full 3-axle control.” This recovery sequence was uploaded to the probe on Thursday and executed this morning. Advanced Space conducts its joint operations with teams at Terran Orbital, which designed and manufactured CAPSTONE.

Initial results are promising, with new monitoring and telemetry data indicating a “successful system recovery,” Advanced Space wrote. The probe regained 3-axis control and its orientation was corrected so that the downlink antennas are now perfectly positioned to send signals back to Earth. Crucially, the probe’s solar panels are now collecting energy from the sun. “This is a major achievement for the mission team and sets the mission well for the upcoming critical activities and getting to the Moon,” says Advanced Space.

The company will closely monitor the investigation in the coming days to make sure it is really okay. Engineers will also evaluate potential changes to operating procedures in the event of redundancy. CAPSTONE stays on track to get into file quasi-linear halo orbit On November 13 With four more trajectory correction maneuvers still required.

more: SpaceX is trying a rare Falcon Heavy launch later this month.



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