4 out of 10 medical students suffer sexual harassment

Following the statement by the Collective of Doctors in Training that around 40 percent of medical school students have suffered sexual harassment or violence in the clinics of their internships or internships, Dr. Jesús Ángel Padilla Gámez acknowledged that if presented cases of this type among students at the Autonomous University of Coahuila.

The director of the Saltillo Unit School of Medicine commented that there was a case of resident doctors and two students who are now suspended. It should be remembered that several studies and surveys have been carried out that make visible this problem faced by students in hospitals, where they spend shifts of up to 36 hours, they are victims of innumerable abuses.

The academic official said that although this issue is not exclusive to one sector, in the case of this institution, each case has been well attended and focused by implementing the necessary protocols to denounce and provide support without revictimizing those who suffered harassment, violence sexual or any kind of harassment.

Padilla Gámez reiterated that in the operational field of the students when they do their internships and social service, all situations are addressed and channeled. In addition, he commented that in order to prevent these behaviors, the School’s Values ​​and Ethics Committee was formed, made up of students, teachers and seeking gender equality.

“In the two years that we are regarding to complete, there have been cases of resident doctors who are not graduates of the Faculty, they were followed up and there were two cases among students of our institution who were sanctioned, one of which was suspended. of their practices”, explained the director of the Faculty of Medicine of the UA de C.

Finally, he concluded that at the same time, values ​​days were held for several weeks among the young people who will carry out their internships, imparting content that allows for a healthy coexistence in the social sphere. (DAVID GONZÁLEZ / INFONOR)



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