The 251-page text contains 11 chapters, as well as photographs and explanatory drawings on the theme that is being developed.
Inevitably, the realities of space, time, light and gravity are present in the narrative. On the latter, it is surprising, since since Newton, it is a mysterious and apparently instantaneous force that attracts all the masses of the universe to each other. However, gravity is not a force like the others in nature. The author tells us that, unlike light, gravity is not something that travels over space and time. It’s something else. Gravity is spacetime itself. amazing!
Another thing to admire is that matter moves in curved paths because space and time are curved. In fact, the most important curvature in our life is the curvature of time.
About black holes there is a whole adventure to know them: their origin, their destinations, their unknowns. Regarding the latter, Izaurieta points out that everything changed on September 14, 2015, when the interferometers of LIGO (Laser Interference Gravitational Observatory), captured the collision of 2 black holes. Admirable! Given that the event occurred a billion years before LIGO perceived it.
Much, much more you will find in these pages. v.gr. the birth of light, the birth of the first star, the peculiarity of iron, white dwarfs, density, the rings of Saturn, quasars, colors, the photograph of a black hole, paradoxes, curiosities, etc.
In short, the text puts us on a stage regarding our own reality as human beings, on a planet, in a place in the universe, in which we can appreciate that before us we are presented with two realities that we are not aware of on a daily basis and therefore This is not always valued: the infinitely large and the infinitely small.
The work, apart from illustrating and astonishing, makes us think regarding the triple enigma: who are we? Where do we come from? and where are we going?
To take into account.
It’s my word!