US Elections: Biden Supporters Defeated


Democrats may lose their majority in the US Congress
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The majority in the US Congress following the upcoming elections may go to the Republicans. Reported by RealClearPolitics.

A month before the November midterm elections, in which candidates compete for 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 34 seats in the Senate, Republicans are clearly in the lead in the race for 220 seats in the House, that is, they can get a majority, ”the publication reports. It is noted that the Democrats in this case claim 180 seats. In the Senate, Republicans also claim a majority. At the moment, Republicans are given 47 seats, Democrats – 46.

Earlier in the United States confirmed the plans of President Joe Biden to run for a second term, reports RT. But the health of the current president of the country is doubtful, adds “National News Service“. According to Biden himself, health will not prevent him from running for a second term.Reedus».

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The majority in the US Congress following the upcoming elections may go to the Republicans. Reported by RealClearPolitics. A month before the November midterm elections, in which candidates compete for 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 34 seats in the Senate, Republicans are clearly in the lead in the race for 220 seats in the House, that is, they can get a majority, ”the publication reports. It is noted that the Democrats in this case claim 180 seats. In the Senate, Republicans also claim a majority. At the moment, 47 seats are given to Republicans, 46 to Democrats. Earlier in the United States, President Joe Biden’s plans to run for a second term were confirmed, RT reports. But the health of the current president of the country is doubtful, the National News Service adds. According to Biden himself, health will not prevent him from running for a second term, Reedus writes.



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