Aid for the self-employed, family allowances, salaries of ministers: the Walloon budget in detail

The results of the Walloon budgetary conclave relating to the initial 2023 were presented this Friday followingnoon in Namur. We expected a lot of numbers; Above all, we will have had the right to a catalog of measures on which the executive has agreed to deal with the energy crisis while maintaining rigor in order to ensure debt sustainability.

These measures include, among others:

  • the desire to have DSOs (network operators) and major producers of renewable energy contribute to reducing household bills;
  • direct aid for the self-employed and SMEs;
  • the non-indexation of rents for poorly insulated dwellings;
  • an envelope of 95 million for the indexation of the APE (aid for the promotion of employment);
  • maintaining the indexation of family allowances;
  • an 8% reduction in ministerial allowances.


In total, the government is mobilizing more than 3 billion euros to deal with this crisis“, underlined the regional minister-president, Elio Di Rupo.

In terms of figures, all the same, the gross balance to be financed now amounts to 3.141 billion euros, a marked improvement compared to the 4.135 billion of the initial 2022. The dry financing balance, for its part, reaches 2.576 billion , once morest 3.014 billion a year earlier.

As for the regional budgetary trajectory excluding exceptional expenditure – the list of which increases from year to year since it now includes the recovery, expenditure linked to covid, to the floods but also to the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis – she records”a much better result than that provided for in the government agreement”, with a public deficit of 111 million euros while the initial objective was for an amount of 274 million”welcomed Elio Di Rupo.

Structural savings of around 250 million euros have also been achieved and are added to the 150 million in 2022, which therefore represents a cumulative effort of 400 million euros“, added the regional budget minister, Adrien Dolimont (MR).



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