On the last weekend in October, this year’s “ART DAYS” in the St. Johann Kaisersaal instead of. It is a joint project of the two artists’ associations, the “Verein Kitzbühel Aktiv” and the “Verein TeamArt04”. The two chairmen, Klaus Wendling and Fritz Schipflinger, thank the St. Johann artist Gerry Wörgarnter for taking over the project management. A total of 31 artists are exhibiting. Not only the most diverse pictures are shown, such as in the techniques acrylic on linen, acrylic on cardboard, oil on canvas, casting technique with acrylic paints, casting technique Fluid Art and Pouring Fluid, watercolor, watercolor graphics, shower watercolor graphics, airbrush , drawings and mouth painting, but also photographs and many objects, including a part of the well-known pole forest of the local artist Philomena Pichler under the title “Trees from my picture forest that were not felled! Easy to plant and easy to care for!”, as well as sculptures made from the most diverse types of wood and light objects. And there is also a very varied supporting program on all three days.
Die Vernissage will take place on Friday October 28th With Beginning at 7 p.m instead of. At the opening there will also be a “Live Painting & Dance” demonstration.
On Saturday (October 29th) can the exhibition of 10 a.m. to 5 p.m be visited. Around 13 o’clock there is a fun drawing course for young and old (everyone can participate, no registration necessary) and around 14 o’clock there is a dance performance.
On Sunday (October 30th) is the exhibition of 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (!) open, from 1 p.m the finissage is on the agenda. The Kaisersaal bar is open to visitors every day.
The following artists are exhibiting: Nabaa Alawam, Erika Almberger, Doris Bergmann, Helga Brendel, Patrice Bruvier (light objects), Walpurga Eberl, Vesna Divkovic, Boba Filipic, Birgit Hofer, Karla Kernmaier, Anna Krimbacher, Bettina Krummel, Horst Mayr (sculptures), Thomas Neuer, Isabella Obermoser (photographs), Doris Past, Philomena Pichler (sculptures), Beatrice Pistoja, Paulus Ploier, Katharina Pöll, Petra Schwarz, Andrea Schnederle-Wagner, Angelika Schretter, Rudi Schwarz (sculptures), Maria Solcianska, Maximilian Stöckl, Peter Unterweissacher, Reinhard Walder, Volkmar Wanders, Sonja
Wimmer and Gerry Woergartner.
A big thank you also applies to all sponsors, including the market town of St. Johann, the St. Johann tourism association, the local marketing department in St. Johann, the Casino Kitzbühel, the Sparkasse Kitzbühel/St. Johann, the company Farben Hermann Lechner and all media.