Promotion of investment: the prefecture of Fez draws up a satisfactory balance sheet

As part of the work of the steering committee set up in the prefecture of Fez, the wilaya of the Fez-Meknes Region held, Monday, October 3, an information meeting on the progress of the structuring development projects.

The wilaya of the Fez-Meknes Region held, Monday, October 3, an information meeting on the structuring projects under the prefecture of Fez. Chaired by the Wali, Said Zniber, this meeting took place in the presence of the President of the Regional Council, Abdelouahed El Ansari, presidents of municipalities, representatives of public establishments, and local economic operators. The opportunity to take stock of the current productive, tertiary and social sectors.

During his opening speech, the wali and governor of the prefecture of Fez, clarified that this meeting is part of the work of the steering committee set up recently, which has planned to institutionalize these information meetings. and follow-up of development projects in the prefecture of Fez, then in a second phase, at the level of the entire Region.

“This is a presentation session for flagship development projects. Our territory is rich in terms of planning and development programs drawn up in consultation with the various actors involved”, underlines Zniber, while explaining that the objective of this approach is to improve the quality of life, to strengthen the offer territory and to boost the business climate.

8.02 billion dirhams for 82 projects
Regarding the progress of the projects, the director of the Regional Investment Center (CRI) Fez-Meknes, Yassine Tazi, revealed that the prefecture of Fez is engaged in a total of 82 projects with a socio-economic impact and cultural, for an overall investment of 8.02 billion dirhams. It should be noted that 24 of them (for an overall amount of 3.7 billion dirhams) come under the Regional Development Program (PDR). While some of these projects are either completed or in progress, several others are in their launch phase. The whole should make it possible to generate some 25,400 direct jobs. On the date of presentation of this report (October 3, 2022), the projects completed, or which will be completed soon, numbered 51, for a total envelope of 3.1 billion dirhams.

An approach sectoral
This meeting also focused on the presentation of the productive sectors (industry, service-logistics, crafts and tourism), tertiary and social sectors (education-vocational training, religion, culture, youth and sport, social and solidarity economy), and support sectors for the productive sectors (water, electricity, urban development and upgrading), in addition to those engaged by the municipality of Fez. Emphasizing the importance of the productive sectors, the director of the CRI noted that the Region is engaged in a process of revitalizing its industrial fabric, oriented towards new sectors and sectors with high added value.

Flagship projects
During his presentation, the director of the CRI reviewed all the structuring projects intended to transform the economic landscape of the prefecture. These include, in particular, the development of the former COTEF area, all the lots of which have already been allocated, the construction of the Ain Cheggag industrial park, the work on which exceeds 50%, the realization of the “Fez Smart Factory” project at the Euromed University of Fez, and the construction of the new industrial zone (NZI) Ain Bida.

He also cited the new Ain Cheggag industrial acceleration zone, the project to build the international exhibition park, as well as the projects to create the Ecoparc and the Technopark in Fez. Regarding the projects launched in the sector of crafts – to contribute to making the Region a pole of artistic influence and a center of production and marketing par excellence – the CRI mentioned the finalization of the project to redevelop the area of ​​craft activities in Benjallik. Requiring an envelope of 16 MDH, this project should contribute to the creation and preservation of 6,184 jobs. He also recalled the launch of the redevelopment projects of the artisanal zone of Ain Bida (60 MDH) and the center for the promotion and marketing of brassware products.

“Because of the special status of the medina of Fez, a specific meeting will be dedicated to it in regarding ten days to highlight the leverage effect generated by its rehabilitation program. Thanks to this project, the tourism and crafts sector are experiencing a strong impetus”, indicated the wali.

Mehdi Idrissi / ECO Inspirations



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