France: unemployment rate maintained at 7.4% until the end of 2022 (Insee)

The unemployment rate in France should remain at 7.4% of the active population “until the end of 2022”, according to the latest INSEE economic note published on Thursday.

The unemployment rate remained “generally stable in the first half of the year”, notes the National Institute of Statistics, noting that “beyond the dynamism of employment, the active population has also increased significantly”.

‘In H2 2022, the labor force should slow down markedly, returning to a dynamic closer to its trend. Given the also expected slowdown in employment, the unemployment rate would remain at 7.4% of the active population until the end of 2022, writes INSEE.

The institute notes that in the first half of the year, “salaried employment continued to be dynamic, although less than in the previous semester (+187,000 salaried jobs created between the end of 2021 and the end of June 2022, i.e. half less than between the end of June and end of 2021)’.

“In the second half of 2022, the dynamics of salaried employment should continue to weaken (+58,000 net creations expected between the end of June and the end of December)”, according to the note from INSEE.

It specifies that job creation should remain ‘largely concentrated in the commercial tertiary sector, while salaried employment would remain almost stable in industry, construction and the non-commercial tertiary sector’.

With regard to recruitment tensions, the note notes that in July 2022, the proportion of companies having declared recruitment difficulties reached ‘unprecedented levels in the manufacturing industry (67% of the companies concerned) and services (60%) and joined its highest levels in construction (82%)’.

INSEE indicates that the difficulties ‘declared by companies are partly linked to the dynamics of employment’.

“These recruitment difficulties can refer to structural problems of adequacy between labor supply and demand due to the skills required, for example, or the attractiveness of the sectors,” noted Olivier Simon, head of the Economic Synthesis Division. , during a press conference.

‘They are present at all times, even when the labor market is sluggish, but they manifest themselves even more strongly when recruitment is high, or to put it another way, it is perhaps partly because there is a lot of recruitments that companies are struggling to recruit even more,” he said.




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