Máximo Huerta, admitted to hospital for serious respiratory problems

Maximum Orchard He has not had a good time and that is already evident on his face when he stands in front of the camera to explain to his followers the ordeal he has experienced and for which he had to be admitted to hospital. At 51 years old, the presenter and former socialist minister wanted to personally detail the health stumble you have suffered and why you’ll have to stay on medical sick leave for the next few days, until he manages to recover from the serious breathing problems that have forced him to ask for medical help.

Photo: Instagram

“I have had a few hard days, very hard. I have respiratory problems since I was a child, age aggravates itand from September 23 I’m bad. Really bad. The cough was turning into bronchitis, an admission, a lot of bronchospasm and, the worst, lack of oxygen in the blood”, details the one who was the right hand of Anna Quintanawho does not want to downplay the serious scare that has led him to be admitted to hospital.

Fortunately, he is already at home, from where he records the video in which he gets in touch with his followers to keep them informed regarding his state of health. He does not try to calm the environment, since he recognizes that his has been a serious scare and that he is still dragging the consequences of his hospital admission, but it seems that he is already on the path to recovery, although he still has to wait a few days to be able to resume his routine and his daily chores.

maxim orchard

It seems that not only this health setback with serious respiratory problems has not been the only inconvenience he has suffered these days, in which he has preferred not to enter too much. Nevertheless, Máximo Huerta is obliged to make his respiratory condition known because this has prevented him from fulfilling his commitment to his loyal readers, who would attend the signing of his latest book, ‘Goodbye, little one’: “In addition to other etceteras that have made these days a horror. My asthma makes everything worse. Today I return to the doctor, following endless nights, I breathe better for the first time. I trust the doctor and the evolution of the disease: antibiotics, bronchodilators, oxygen…”.

Of course, no matter how badly Máximo Huerta has had it, it seems that nothing can make him lose his sense of humor and he has even joked regarding the fact that he feels like a “millennial” when recording a video for social networks: “It is always good to be thankful for things. Forgive me where I might not be. The commitments were exciting, but health does not ask for permission. Arrange life as you wish”, apologizes the writer, who already wants to resume his professional commitments and, above all, continue with the promotion of his latest novel in which he mixes autobiographical overtones with fiction and in which he has deposited all his illusions.

How many followers does Máximo Huerta have on Instagram?

The presenter and writer has more than 311,000 followers



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