“We are ready”: the Government is preparing for a counterattack by the Mapuches

On the day after eviction in Villa Mascardi of the public and private properties usurped by self-styled Mapuche groups, the Minister of National Security, Aníbal Fernández, met this afternoon with the heads of the four federal forces that make up the joint command that acts in the area. This is the continuation of the work that will continue in the area, where still remains to find a group of men of the Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu community with an arrest warrantwho are wanted by two groups of troops. We are ready in case they come back”, They emphasized from the Security area.

Official sources from the portfolio explained that “the federal forces will continue on the ground”as decided at this afternoon’s meeting. “The idea is that if they come back to take the land we are there to give a prompt response”completed.

It is a crucial definition in the face of the claim of the neighbors and owners, who are waiting for the Justice to recover the usurped lands in the next few hours. “The force will guarantee that there are no problems”they stressed from the area.

Meanwhile, they explained that two groups of troops from the four federal forces rake the area in search of the men from the group who yesterday escaped “to the mountain” in the run-up to the eviction and on those who weigh capture requests for his participation in the usurpations and in the attack with stones, shots and fire on a Gendarmerie block.

Despite the fact that yesterday’s operation was well appreciated by the Government, because the area was cleared and there were no injuries, the general perception is that the conflict with this or other similar groups will continue to recur in the future. The day’s attacks against two churches in Villa La Angostura were interpreted in this sense. Before the query about the possible resurgence of the conflict in the area, from Security they reaffirmed their position: “We are ready, prepared in case there is an answer to what happened.”

The Minister of Security of the Nation, Aníbal Fernández, met with the heads of the four Federal Forces to evaluate the actions carried out in Villa Mascardi.Security Ministry

“It came out of a specific event such as the usurpation, but the conflict is much larger and deeper. It is clear that we will have news again. For now, it is to thank that everything went well yesterday and nothing has happened “admitted an official from the ranks of the president Albert Fernandez.

The government breathed a sigh of relief yesterday after the eviction took place without incident. The memory of the Prefecture operation in the area that in November 2017 culminated in the death of the young Rafael Nahuel flew over. For the government it was and it still being The key is not to repeat the history of Cambiemos.

“That did not happen and the government played an active role and in tune with the province, all of this is very important,” they listed today. “About what may come, we would have to be a futurist, but the truth is that it is because of how everything has been given, reality indicates that there may be new things again,” said Albertism sources.

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This morning, Fernández was asked about the future of the tasks in the area. “It is all work that we have to continue, working, reviewing and analyzing it today and the rest of the days, because there are many things to do”he stated, as he entered his office.

Since the beginning of the management of the Front of All, in December 2019, It was the first time that Fernández intervened as minister in an event of this nature. In the previous episodes with the self-styled Mapuche groups, the person in charge of the operations was Sabina Frederic. It is not the only change: it also took a step to the side Magdalena Odarda, who headed the National Institute of Indigenous Affairs (INAI). Odarda received internal questions for her handling of the conflict, although she justified her resignation on personal grounds.

The different positions of Aníbal Fernández and Frederic were reflected during yesterday’s operation, although for months the new minister defended the dialogue tables as a tool to resolve conflicts, rather than evictions. Fernández also achieved better harmony with the provincial government of Arabela Carreras, which resulted in the participation of provincial forces in the unified command.

Although the resolution was published yesterday in the Official Gazette, the creation of the Unified Security Command was decided a week ago, after the usurpations of the La Cristalina and Los Radales cabins and the arson attack against the Gendarmerie box that guarded the remains of Los Radales, burned down at the end of July this year. La Cristalina, for its part, had been destroyed by another attack in March 2020.

Ayer, Fernández once again stressed that the eviction operation was carried out with “care” and “without lethal weapons.”. He added that, except for a woman who is pregnant and was taken to the hospital, the rest of the women were taken to a dependency of the Airport Security Police, while the five minors who were with them were assisted by Minority of the province. “Without a scratch,” emphasized the minister.

Conocé The Trust Project

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