Screening is no longer a taboo and can save your life

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in France. It is the leading cause of cancer death in women. Also, it is important not to be afraid to talk regarding it and to get informed. Adopting the right reflexes such as screening can save lives.

IThere is not one but a wide variety of breast cancers. In France, there are 58,500 women affected per year and 12,100 annual deaths. Mortality has been falling steadily since 1995. This drop is the result of improved early diagnosis and therapeutic management. The survival rate for women diagnosed with breast cancer is 87%.

Half of these cancers are detected between the ages of 50 and 60, so it is women in full activity who are the most affected. Also, it is important not to be afraid to talk regarding it and to get informed. Adopting the right reflexes such as screening can save lives.

Simple and free, screening for breast cancer must be carried out by mammography every two years, from the age of 50 and up to the age of 74. In 2021, only half (50.6%) of the women concerned took part in organized breast cancer screening. However, one in 8 women is at risk of being affected. The purpose of the screening program is to identify possible abnormalities at an early stage in order to prevent the onset of symptoms. Indeed, detected early, breast cancer is cured in 90% of cases!

To talk regarding it is to prevent in order to act in time. So don’t be shy regarding discussing it with your midwife or doctor. And, whatever your age, if you notice changes in the appearance of your breasts between two examinations, report them to a professional. Throughout life, especially from the age of 25, a gynecological follow-up with a palpation by a practitioner is recommended once a year as well as regular self-monitoring of the breasts (at least once a quarter)

It should be noted that approximately 8,000 cases of breast cancer are attributable to alcohol consumption.

The Cancer League near you

In Tarbes, meet your committee at 28 rue Georges Lassalle. It offers many services: reception, information, orientation and assistance.

Permanence is provided at the committee’s premises every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Tel: 05 62 34 20 89.

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