Maximum tension on the set of ‘Pasapalabra’! Orestes caresses the boat in ‘El Rosco’ in such an unexpected way that he has been shocked for a few moments, incredulous at having the opportunity to win 1,630,000 euros. It hadn’t happened since his historic tie at 24 with Rafa, who this time has seen how 23 hits were insufficient to win.
Orestes started his Rosco very strong: with 12 hits! In a single turn, he had dyed almost half of his letters green. “Do you have a dinner?” Roberto Leal joked with him. Although he has slowed down followingwards, he has completed his first round with 22 hits and then added one of the complicated ones, a mountainous massif in southern India.
The alarms have started to go off: is it confetti day? However, everything was still to be decided and Rafa’s reaction had to be closely watched. With his history, with what was seen in his 90 programs, everything is possible… and that’s how it has been once more: he has tied 23 with the man from Burgos!
The Sevillian, following the effort of this titanic comeback, has decided to stand up and let his seconds run out. He seemed convinced that his rival would do the same and he looked like that, because Orestes has confessed that he had been “distressed”.
“Although I have a more or less clear option for the ‘V’, I think I’m going to let it pass”, has explained. However, to the general surprise, everything has changed when Roberto Leal has read that statement once more.
Orestes has risked giving an answer… and it is correct. It’s his 24th hit and he’s just one away from the €1,630,000 jackpot! His face has not been able to hide the unexpectedness of seeing himself in that situation. The nerves return, the adrenaline to the maximum.
Roberto Leal reads him the ‘S’ once more: “Surname of the sculptor who created the Fuente de la Boticaria located in the garden of the Island in the Madrid town of Aranjuez”. Will Orestes give the correct answer that is worth a millionaire jackpot? Will he join the historical list of champions with Pablo and Sofía? Find out in the video!
The surreal humming of Orestes… with which a plenary session is marked in ‘La Pista’!