be very careful, ‘even if only for a short time’ (photo)

This week, the Flemish program “Knockout” showed on video how easy it is to completely open a window by swinging and swinging. Strongly criticized, this demonstration would be a “course on burglary for dummies”, according to viewers. This is not the opinion of the authorities who take the opportunity to redo prevention.

“You can warn people a hundred times, some don’t listen anyway. By showing how this happens, people see how easy it is and how quickly a burglar can break into your home. And as a picture is worth more than a long speech, ”recalls the prevention advisor.

“A string and a piece of pipe or a roll of paper towel, it does not take more to open a tilting window. Especially with older window designs. These usually always have a slightly larger handle, which makes it easier for thieves. »

And the police are going in the same direction. “That’s why we always recommend that you close all windows and doors when you’re away,” Dirk Van de Sande, Mechelen-Willebroek police inspector, told Belang van Limburg. “Even if it’s only for a short time, for example to go to the bakery or pick up the children from school. It is certain that these tilting windows often give a false sense of security. Not only on the ground floor, but also on the first floor. It often takes little effort for burglars to climb onto a flat roof. »

Tips to remember as burglaries are on the rise once more right now.



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