Scandinavian story by Uma Praseeda for children: Uma Praseeda stories for children

“The story of Nora, the lamb that Trollstigen longed to see. In front of whom did Nora go to see Trollstigen with Alina Kuruvi? Will Nora find the answer to the perplexing question?” A Scandinavian story for children by Uma Prasida

Where are we traveling through the story today? To Roma, Norway. Hold my hand telling the story and look away. Do you see the huge mountains there?

Mountains rising from the earth and touching the sky! To go from Roma to a place called Valdal, those mountains can only be climbed and descended. Like a long, coiling serpent seen from the sky.

The snow-melted waterfall flows like a thread from the top of the mountain, and when it reaches the bottom, the weeds turn into babbling rivulets. At the foot of one such mountain lived a lamb named Nora Olsen.

Not alone – along with Nora’s mother Janet Olsen and father Chris Olsen, grandmother, grandfather, great-grandmother and great-grandmother and their families. So with a large group of sheep! Nora was the apple of their eye – a beautiful little lamb who was always saying “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm”

Janet and Nora used to go out to eat grass by the stream. Nora’s grandmother Annette used to say that if you ate the grass there, you would quickly get fat. But if Nora saw baby butterflies or sparrows, she would stop feeding and run after them.

Janet followed her to bring her into the group. Janet finally runs out and cries out, “Nora…don’t go far. The trolls will come to catch you. Don’t you remember what grandfather John told you about this hill? Why did these mountains get the name Trollstigen? Because of the trolls. If you stray and go far, they will take you away, come back…”

But if Nora listens! If that’s not enough, Nora’s best friend, Alina Sparrow, tells Nora to look up the mountain – to see the snake-like path to Trollstigen.

Nora planned to cut out her mother’s eye and see Trollstigen Road. Even when she was not sleeping at night, Janet would say to Nora, “Sleep fast.” Otherwise the troll will be caught.”

Cinematography : Uma Praseeda

Who was this troll? The main character in the folk stories told by grandmothers to their children in Norway since ancient times! Creatures found in isolated canyons.

Look like humans, but humans? no Creatures with long ears, pointed eyes, and dark skin. What is their main pastime? If you see humans, you don’t catch them and eat them. But you will be confused!

If they are trying to cross a bridge, they will stand across the bridge. Then they ask confusing questions. They will agree to cross the bridge only if they give the correct answer.

Everyone says that if they see lightning, they will run away, and if the sun shines, they will turn into the huge rock formations that we see. Our eyes would know nothing. But she only knew that trolls were something not to be afraid of, as her mother had told her.

While sitting like that, Alina Kuruvi came to Nora’s ear one day early in the morning. Then he started humming “Kukuru Kuru Kuru” without stopping. Nora, who was a big cat, slowly rubbed her eyes and asked: “Why is Ali making such a fuss in the morning? Won’t you agree to sleep?”

“Nora wake up. did you know I saw it in the morning while sitting on an apple tree in the valley. There is a big bus going up the mountain, with few people. If you can climb it and reach the top? Once you reach the top, you will see a road that is curved like a snake. Open your eyes…” Alina Kuruvi continued.

Nora’s eyes widened when she heard ‘Trollstigen’. Nora immediately captured Alina’s lips.

“Shh shh…slow down mom don’t wake up. You have gone to that oak tree. I will come now.”

Nora slowly removed her mother’s hand, washed her face in the nearby pond, put Alina by her ear, and rushed down to the valley.

When I went there, the bus was stopped in one place! The people who got out of it were hurrying to take photos along a small wall. Suddenly, the driver said, “Come on, everyone, get in… It’s been ten minutes.” said loudly.

With that, everyone started running towards the bus. Alina immediately flew to the back of the bus and started chirping. Nora also rushed there. Seeing a staircase there, they climbed to the top of the bus. As it was a good climb, the bus drove slowly. That’s why Nora and Alina were comfortable on top of the bus. What beautiful views were there when looking down at the valley while climbing?

There are small paths at a height that makes you dizzy if you look down. They are like light lines. slightly. If you look up, you can’t see the end of the huge mountains. Seeing this, Nora and Alina held their breath.

So up, up, the bus reached the top of the hill. The driver got everyone off the bus near a big building and went to the shop there to tell a trick. Just then, Alina and Nora got off the bus. Looking around, the clouds are sliding and playing! They were so tall! With the sound of ‘Kala Kala’, a waterfall splashes and splashes with baby water drops.

All the people walked up there to a place prepared to watch the view. Alina pointed to the spot and said, “Nora look over there, you can see our oak tree and the meadow where you live and that snake way. Let’s go and see.”

uma praseeda, story, iemalayalam
Cinematography : Uma Praseeda

“Oh no, no. All these men feel affection when they see me. Then they will pick me up and take me away. How about we jump up to the biggest mountain in the back and look down from the big rock that we see there? Come… come quickly.”

Saying this, Nora rushed to the top of the big mountain. And Alina. Alina was completely frozen because of the cold. Nora, in a cotton shirt, was not so cold.

When she couldn’t stand the cold, Alina told Nora, “I can’t fly. Don’t go to the bus after seeing all that… I’ll go there and sleep for a while, you’re cold.”

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So the sparrow flew to the bus. And then? When he saw an empty bus, he entered it and sat in the back seat. After a while, she fell asleep. The people got back in and now the bus was on its way. She didn’t know.

Nora, who reached the top, opened her mouth. What a sight. As the whole world is seen from the sky at once! That’s when a big cloud came through and obscured the view. Nora blew the cotton-like cloud away.

Then a loud voice from behind said: “No, who has come this way?”

What did Nora see when she suddenly turned around?

The troll from the stories Nora’s mother used to tell. Truly a troll!
A troll with big ears and big eyes. Scared, Nora started crying “Meh mmm meh”.

“Hello, I’m Trendal Trollstig. Main troll here. Have you heard of us? See those little rocks in the distance? Grouped together. People walk around saying that we turned to stone when we were in the sun.” The troll who said this extended his hand for a handshake. Nora slowly held out her hand, wondering if her mother had told her that she would catch him and eat him if she saw him.

“I’m Nora. Ammaa came here when my friend said that if you look from here, you can see a beautiful view.

“Ha ha ha. What is this! These are not the sights we see all the time. Let me ask you a question. If you give the correct answer, you will be allowed to go home.

“The sea is my mother…
Chandran is my father
I have many siblings
But if I fall, my life will be lost. Who am I?”

Our sea-blind Nora knows the answer! But she said kindly.

“You troll. I don’t know the answer to this. My uncle asked this to many people and didn’t get an answer, so he also asked me? I will ask my mother and tell her. Don’t worry.”

Trendall shook and shook and laughed at the gentle answer of the lamb. Then the whole thing shook! After that, Trendal began to cry after laughing and laughing.

No one had ever spoken to Trendal so kindly. “You have come so far to see my house? Come with me.” Trendall took Nora’s hand and walked over to the other side of the cliff.

Beyond that is a baby house!

Nora asserted that because she did not answer, she was being arrested and taken to the curry house. what to do can you run no

When he opened the house and went inside, there was a bed, a table and dishes inside! Sitting Nora at a table by a window, Trendall gave her a baby bowl of various grasses and leaves to eat. Nora had never eaten anything so delicious before.

Meanwhile the troll said, “Look, baby, beyond that window.”

Nora reached with grass in her mouth and saw sights that she had never seen before! The clouds had gone and the sun had come. Because of that, everything looked shiny and shiny! Trendal laughed and picked up all the grass that fell from Nora’s mouth and put it in her mouth.

uma praseeda, story, iemalayalam
Cinematography : Uma Praseeda

“Well, how did you get here?”

“There, aunty, don’t you see the bus parked near that building?”

Looking at the place Nora pointed to, the troll said: “I don’t see a bus over there?” That’s when Nora also saw that the bus had gone.

“Oh, how am I going to go home now?” Nora started crying ‘mey mey’.

Trendall said, “You eat all that grass, baby, and we’ll make a way.”

Nora ate the whole thing because of hunger!

Later, Trendall took Nora to the mountain. Then he said: “Whoever asks you, will you tell me what trolls are like?”

“I have never met anyone like Amma. What style to see. The food my uncle gave me? Very good. May I find out the answer to the question asked by my uncle.” Nora said with a twinkle in her baby eyes.

Hearing this, Trendall burst out laughing and told Nora, “Enough, enough. Don’t you make me laugh anymore Go tell your mother to show you the sea. For glasses.”

Nora closed her eyes, and the troll snapped his finger, and the clouds covered the whole place. When Nora opened her eyes and looked? Reached under the arms of a snoring mother! What a surprise!

Slowly, Nora got off and ran under the oak tree. The bus was still slowly coming down the hill. Nora climbed on top of the bus to look after Alina as the people came back down to watch. When Nora slowly went inside without seeing Alina there, Alina was sleeping in the last seat! When she woke up, she said:

“Hey, did you get in? I fell asleep. No, we are at the bottom. Let’s go…”

So they jumped off the bus without anyone seeing them. Alina went to the cage and Nora to her mother.

That day too mom said “Hurry up and eat grass, Nora…otherwise the troll will catch you!”

Even then, whenever Nora’s mother said that, Nora Trendall would laugh at the Trollamavan and pretend to be scared!

Now tell me, friends, the answer to the question asked by the troll!

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