Exceptional energy check 2022: these French people concerned by the 200€ bonus!

The price of gas will know an increase of 15% in January 2023. The same will apply for that of electricity which will increase in February. Faced with such a situation, the government wishes to help the poorest households. Reason for which, the State will grant an exceptional energy check before the end of 2022. The goal is to try to counter this inflationary phenomenon which has been going on for several months now.

The amount of the exceptional energy check

For a single person, the maximum amount of the energy check can reach 194 euros in 2022. It should be noted that this check can be combined with Ma Prime Rénov.

Government arbitration

The amount of this exceptional energy check is from 100 to 200 euro. To receive it, the beneficiary must respect some conditions of income. Take the example of a single mother. If she is paid the minimum wage and she has two dependent children, she will pocket 200 euros.

However, a couple with two children dependent and of which cumulative income reach 3000 euros net will receive 100 euros. The government carried out a precise arbitration to determine the amount of the check.

Here’s what it looks like:

  • Check of 200 euros : it’s for 20% of households the poorest with incomes below 13 310 euros.
  • Check of 100 euros : it is for households whose income is between 13 310 euros et 18 610 euros.

A figure of 1.8 billion euros

According to Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, 12 million people in France will receive these energy vouchers. This represents 40% of the poorest households. The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, has also made a calculation.

According to this calculation, the figure for this maneuver is up to €1.8 billion for the state. As a reminder, once a year, beneficiaries receive the traditional energy check at their home. However, these beneficiaries can decide to pre-allocate the check to their energy supplier.

The collection of this check does not require any action. In addition, this energy check can also be used for people residing in an approved residential accommodation, an EHPAD. Or in an establishment or a long-term care unit.

Beneficiaries of the exceptional energy check

Each year, the energy check is allocated according to household income and composition. It automatically addresses beneficiaries on the basis of information from tax services. And this, subject to a declaration of income made within the deadlines set by the tax authorities.

The beneficiary must also live accommodation subject to housing tax. And this, even if it is no longer the subject of it. On Wednesday September 14, Elisabeth Borne made an announcement during a press briefing on the energy crisis.

Indeed, the Prime Minister announced the payment of an exceptional energy check to 12 million beneficiaries before the end of the year. However, it has not yet formally specified the conditions.

That said, broadly, the beneficiaries should be the same as for the usual energy vouchers. Those paid in the spring of 2022. According to the government, out of 10 households, 4 should be eligible. Income criteria have been put in place to specify the conditions for obtaining it.

The date of payment of the energy check

It is by department that the payment of the energy check takes place. According to the residence department, the beneficiaries received the 2022 check between March 30 and April 29, 2022. And this, automatically. Announced in September 2022, the payment of the exceptional energy check will take place before the end of the year.

In any case, this is what the government said. This exceptional energy check is in fact a kind of extension to deal with rising energy prices. Note that to date, there is not yet an officially announced payment date.

We only know that the amount of this exceptional energy check is from 100 to 200 euro. Beneficiaries should, however, expect that the aid will be paid to them before the end of 2022. That said, we will know more in the weeks to come. Indeed, the executive should provide more details on the subject.

Do you know if you are eligible for the energy check?

If you don’t know, here is how you can do :

How to determine your eligibility?

To find out if you are eligible for this energy check scheme, go to the dedicated website. In the strict sense of the term, there is no simulator. That said, enter your tax number to determine your eligibility for the scheme. Thus, the site will tell you if the energy check concerns you or not.

If the site indicates that the energy check does not concern you, it leaves you a message. In this message, he invites you to continue the eligibility test if you still think fulfill the necessary conditions. In particular the conditions of income and composition of the household.

You then have to complete a questionnaire with three questions. You can also continue the test if you are an authorized operator for housing in rental intermediation.

Haven’t received it yet?

To benefit from the energy voucher, you must fulfill all the required conditions. You fill them, however, not the slightest trace in your mail? So you wonder what to do. It’s not that hard.

You just need to contact support via the contact form on the dedicated site. Otherwise, do it over the phone. Just bring your tax notice.

“To be able to benefit from the energy check, you must have declared your income to the tax services”, we recall in the FAQ.

And this, even if your income are low or zero. You can only apply for an energy check following you have regularized your situation. That said, you must declare your income for the following year. Otherwise, it will be impossible for you to claim the benefit of the energy voucher.

The RFR taken into account

The government reserves the energy check for the most modest households. Provided that their resources do not exceed a certain ceiling. A variable ceiling according to the composition of the household. That said, we take into account the reference tax income. This RFR must be less than 10,800 euros per unit of consumption (UC).

Note that one person represents one CU. The second person is counted at 0.5 CU and each additional person at 0.3 CU. That being the case, you must therefore divide your RFR by the number of CUs in your household. You will know if you can benefit from the check energy. Clearly, for a single person, the RFR must not exceed 10,800 euros.



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