How did the “ice bucket” challenge contribute to facing a chronic neurological disease?

defiantly "ice bucket"It helped a lot in reaching an initial treatment for more than two million patients with multiple sclerosis around the world.

She added that this challenge contributed to raising more than two million US dollars, allocated to fund 130 research projects in 12 countries, in addition to testing 40 potential treatments under development.

One of the most prominent treatments that benefited from pooled funding is a challenge "ice bucket"a medicinal compound approved by US Food and Drug Administration It is called AMX0035.

The new drug is not considered a definitive cure for multiple sclerosis, but it slows its effects and complications.

What is a challenge "ice bucket"؟

  • In 2014, I celebrated social media platforms Many of the clips depicted people pouring water with ice from a bucket on their bodies.
  • I knew these clips as a challenge "ice bucket" An expression of solidarity with patients with multiple sclerosis, or what is known as multiple sclerosis.
  • Over 17 million people have posted videos of the challenge, including hundreds of celebrity athletes and politicians.
  • The challenge supported research on the disease that affects more than 2.5 million people worldwide.


The association said, that the private videos Ice Bucket ChallengeIt helped a lot in reaching an initial treatment for more than two million patients with multiple sclerosis around the world.

She added that this challenge contributed to raising more than two million US dollars, allocated to fund 130 research projects in 12 countries, in addition to testing 40 potential treatments under development.

Among the most prominent treatments that benefited from the pooled funding of the Ice Bucket Challenge, a medical compound that I approved US Food and Drug Administration It is called AMX0035.

The new drug is not considered a definitive cure for multiple sclerosis, but it slows its effects and complications.

What is the Ice Bucket Challenge?

  • In 2014, I celebrated social media platforms Many of the clips depicted people pouring water with ice from a bucket on their bodies.
  • These clips were known as the “Ice Bucket Challenge” as an expression of solidarity with patients with multiple sclerosis, or what is known as multiple sclerosis.
  • Over 17 million people have posted videos of the challenge, including hundreds of celebrity athletes and politicians.
  • The challenge supported research on the disease that affects more than 2.5 million people worldwide.



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